Dear all helpful people.
I desperately need your help, bevause I am now drowning in what, I a a few weeks ago thought was success.
I have an excellent growcloset, that I will learn to get the most out of in time, but this time I think I vegged way too long. I grow under 1 big ass 250 w CFL (and am well aware that several small bulbs as side lighting would have been preferable , but I do not really think the very limited spacepermits it) . I think as I said that I have vegged too long (about 11 weeks) and I have felt compelled to " lollypop " The whole lower half of my plants. Simply because of lack of light penetration. The long vegging period now also cause a space problem, and the plants do not thrive optimally. Lessons leanrned . This is my second grow (first time were two autoes of the same sort (Bubblelicious) and that went pretty smooth despite some mold problems and gave me around 60grams dried buds.
I still hope that I managed to see this harvest through, and hope (maybe slightly optimistic) for a yield around 100 g dried buds.
Well . Now for the problem that Puzzles me: I have two plants of the exact same sort. Both Nirvana Bubblelicious. One was germinated three weeks later than the other (since one of the first two seeds didn't germinate) . One plant have had around 11 weeks of vegging, while the other have had around 9. I must admit that I dont remember which is which, since I changed them around a bit while vegging. I think they are wildly different in how they bloom . The plant on the left looks as expected. It has 6 major dense buds that go all the way up on the stems.Yum Yum
The second one. The one on the right makes a million small small buds. It is far from being the solid dense fused buds as on the other one.
I assume that it is the plant is left which will provide the largest yield , and it really puzzles me that there is that much difference between them. To me the bulb actually hangs so that it should be one to the right that has the best conditions ( The one to the left is just next to the tip of the bulb , while the other is just below)
See the pictures and give me all the feedback you can come up with. I think it has gotten out of hand from me this time and I would like to know how to proceed best from here and your take on why there is so much of a difference between them. I have to admit that I do not really remember which one of them sprouted first. I also think that one was topped once more than the other , to keep the height down a bit while the other sprouted. I can hardly understand if it's should be what makes the difference alone.
Here are my two babies from above. The one who looks as expected, is the one to the left. 5-6 large solid dank buds that will net me at least around 8-10 g each:][/url]
Here is what it looks like. Large solid buds. Yum Yum:][/url]
This is the other one. Far more bushy and many small individual buds. This one was a little longer to start flowering, but I hardly think it will ever evolve to something similar to the dank giant buds on the other plant:][/url]
Here is my setup. The plant to the right is right under the bulb. Although some of the plant is growing behind the socket. That part doesnt seem to misthrive especially, since the buds right under the bulb is just as small.
As I said. I vegged way to long, and my cfl doesnt have range enough to the lower branches (the canopy also steal the light). Therefor I chose to lollypop the bottom half. I hope that was the right thing to do?
ANY comments are welcome. I am here to learn.
I desperately need your help, bevause I am now drowning in what, I a a few weeks ago thought was success.
I have an excellent growcloset, that I will learn to get the most out of in time, but this time I think I vegged way too long. I grow under 1 big ass 250 w CFL (and am well aware that several small bulbs as side lighting would have been preferable , but I do not really think the very limited spacepermits it) . I think as I said that I have vegged too long (about 11 weeks) and I have felt compelled to " lollypop " The whole lower half of my plants. Simply because of lack of light penetration. The long vegging period now also cause a space problem, and the plants do not thrive optimally. Lessons leanrned . This is my second grow (first time were two autoes of the same sort (Bubblelicious) and that went pretty smooth despite some mold problems and gave me around 60grams dried buds.
I still hope that I managed to see this harvest through, and hope (maybe slightly optimistic) for a yield around 100 g dried buds.
Well . Now for the problem that Puzzles me: I have two plants of the exact same sort. Both Nirvana Bubblelicious. One was germinated three weeks later than the other (since one of the first two seeds didn't germinate) . One plant have had around 11 weeks of vegging, while the other have had around 9. I must admit that I dont remember which is which, since I changed them around a bit while vegging. I think they are wildly different in how they bloom . The plant on the left looks as expected. It has 6 major dense buds that go all the way up on the stems.Yum Yum
The second one. The one on the right makes a million small small buds. It is far from being the solid dense fused buds as on the other one.
I assume that it is the plant is left which will provide the largest yield , and it really puzzles me that there is that much difference between them. To me the bulb actually hangs so that it should be one to the right that has the best conditions ( The one to the left is just next to the tip of the bulb , while the other is just below)
See the pictures and give me all the feedback you can come up with. I think it has gotten out of hand from me this time and I would like to know how to proceed best from here and your take on why there is so much of a difference between them. I have to admit that I do not really remember which one of them sprouted first. I also think that one was topped once more than the other , to keep the height down a bit while the other sprouted. I can hardly understand if it's should be what makes the difference alone.
Here are my two babies from above. The one who looks as expected, is the one to the left. 5-6 large solid dank buds that will net me at least around 8-10 g each:][/url]
Here is what it looks like. Large solid buds. Yum Yum:][/url]
This is the other one. Far more bushy and many small individual buds. This one was a little longer to start flowering, but I hardly think it will ever evolve to something similar to the dank giant buds on the other plant:][/url]
Here is my setup. The plant to the right is right under the bulb. Although some of the plant is growing behind the socket. That part doesnt seem to misthrive especially, since the buds right under the bulb is just as small.
As I said. I vegged way to long, and my cfl doesnt have range enough to the lower branches (the canopy also steal the light). Therefor I chose to lollypop the bottom half. I hope that was the right thing to do?
ANY comments are welcome. I am here to learn.