My Second Grow SKuNk#11. How Much do You Think it will Yield?


hey guys this is my second grow this one is skunk #11 has anyone ever had it this is my first grow with this i cloned it and it the clone is lookin pretty i'm using 2 150watt cfl 2700k and 1 100watt cfl and 1-75 27k cfl how much do u think it will yield. I'm thinkin about growin a Mazar plant is that easy. it says the skunk #11 should flower 7-11 weeks what would you do 7 or 11.IMAG0113.jpgIMAG0113.jpgIMAG0108.jpg



If they fill out real nice I would say an oz. I'm new at this too so I use a couple of products to increase yield: Bud Candy from Advance Nutrients, Sugardaddy from Technoflora and Gravity from Humboldt County Nutrients. All that along with the fox farm trio and a small amount of purple maxx in the last weeks of feeding. Idk it feels simple to me and it works for me.


Well-Known Member
healthy looking-

research LST. it optimizes light to the canopy, which in a cfl grow is essential.
that plant would yield a couple ounces woven through a screen, with the lights right on top of it.

happy growing.