My Seedling, OH SNAP. Literally..


Well-Known Member
My seedling snapped it only had its 1st set of leaves. its like I just topped it.

Basically half of it snapped. Can it be saved or just throw it away ?

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
What do you mean by snapped? I accidentally bent mine over transferring it into hydro but it is looking good now. i like to think of it as unintentional super cropping. i never give up on a plant until it is fucking dead, elvis dead.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by snapped? I accidentally bent mine over transferring it into hydro but it is looking good now. i like to think of it as unintentional super cropping. i never give up on a plant until it is fucking dead, elvis dead.
Like snap as is, the sound that occurs when trees are cut down. Lol

Its OFF.


Well-Known Member
I had saved a started from dying once. It snapped a few days after popping soil it was still attached barely to the stem. Put it under a dome and it ended up surviving. In severe cases this will not work.


Well-Known Member
plant a new one, how much light u using?how far away are the lights? do you have a fan blowing in the area to strengthen stems?
Im getting 4 42w Cfl's or 2 105watt cfl's whatever is in my price range.

The lights are about 3-4inches above the plant. I understand that its to far, But im gonna change that today. Along with the new bulbs.

Edit: I just transplanted my grow from a Rubbermaid box to a Cabinet. I had a fan in the rubbermaid box, but Im getting a small fan for the Cabinet, Since the the other fan wouldn't allow me to close the door properly.


Well-Known Member
sounds good, get those lights a inch or so away from the tops of the new plants and they wont get all stretchy and that, your on the right track.


Active Member
i snapped a clone off one time. I mean all the way off while i was planting it. I said fuck it and planted it anyway (why not ). Its now a mother plant, strong n healthy.

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
your details are not heplful, lots of things can cause a popping sound, the only way for us to give you a 99% assured answer is to show us what you mean. you have heard a picture is worth 1000 words, you are 970 words away from making up for missing that picture.


Well-Known Member
fuck I can NOT HELP but say this...

and yet a picture posted by someone, without words(description) is ALWAYS bitched about, and people ask for words to go with the picture, because the picture doesn't speak the 1000 words people say it will. It simply says "hi, here I am" The words fill in all details.


Well-Known Member
your details are not heplful, lots of things can cause a popping sound, the only way for us to give you a 99% assured answer is to show us what you mean. you have heard a picture is worth 1000 words, you are 970 words away from making up for missing that picture.
You misunderstood me sir. Sorry for the inconvenience.

this is my plant. and this is what happened.

;;;\ | /


It was a seedling and that horizontal line is the part which broke off. Can it be saved?