My seedling

Alright my seedling is 8 days old and doesn't have leaves it's just breaking out of the shell. What is wrong? I thought it was doing well


Well-Known Member
A fluorescent is fine for the seedling stage. Be sure you have nice warm temps (around 80) and lots of moisture. Do not add nutes at this point as the seedling is very tender. Wait till your seedling grows its 3rd set of true leaves before you consider transplanting to a larger planter then bust out the HID.
The one that is currently 8 days old is in regular potting soil, cheap kind. and I planted a few others seeds in MG potting soil. But my seedling will grow?? Even though it is 8 days old and is starting to open the shell, its maybe like an inch and a half tall maybe 2 inches.


Well-Known Member
This is your absolute first time growing anything isnt it? Its gonna be a seedling for about 3 to 4 weeks. It will then veg for about 3 or so months. During this time it will have growth spurts and lulls. Leaves will grow, some will curl, others will yellow and die. After you are done with the vegetative stage, you switch the lights to a lower color temperature and change the light cycle to 12/12. In a couple of weeks the plant will go into its flowering stage and double or more in size. It will smell to high heaven and slowly the buds will grow. After about 3 or 4 months the buds will grow nice and large the hairs of the females will grow out, then turn orange and brown. The males will produce little flowers that look like a cluster of grapes before the females show their flowers and can be removed safely without fear of pollinating the girls.

There will be days where you will see no change in your plants. This doesnt mean that anything is wrong. It takes 6-9 months to grow a plant from seed to harvest. You have a ways to go. In the mean time, read every post in this site and by the time you are done, you will know everything you need to know and you plants will be fantastic.