My seedlings will get by with a little help from my friends...

Hey all,

Alright, was wondering if ya'll could give some pointers here. As you can see in the attached pictures, the leaves on one of my plants is turning yellow. Any idea why??

Also, they are two weeks old. How does growth look?? Slow, normal, etc.. I am watering every 4 days or so, but I'm not sure if it needs it. Should the cubes be bone dry before I water again?

Heres some stats:
- Temp: approx. 76
- Humidity: 80-90%
- Seedlings in rockwool on perlite bed, covered with humidity dome
- Inside of dome sprayed every other day to keep humidity high
- Roots starting to come out of bottom of cubes on some of them

Any advice is appreciated!



Well-Known Member
Just my ideas, I'm no expert though.

What are they going to go in, soil or hydro? I think they are ready.
The yellowing is probably because they are hungry. Have you fed them?
They seem to be stretching towards the light. Can you move it closer?


Well-Known Member
The humidity dome is usually removed as soon as the seedlings sprout, take it off now. The humidity is too high - aim for closer to around 60% in veg. That may be the reason they are yellowing. Temps sound good. They are on the small side for being two weeks old, here's a pic of one of mine at that age (in a 3gal bucket). Good luck!:peace:

