my seeds still have not sprouted.


hi,im new to growing.i grew some plants once before (friend killed them acedently before they flowerd) and the seeds sprouted in 3 days.well its been almost 4 days now and still no sprout .here is what i did.i germinated the seeds until the seeds root poped out a few centameters,i planted them in some miricale grow seedling pot soil about 1/4 a inch deep.then lightly coverd the top with soil(i made sure the soil was moist before i planted).i mixed in a little bit of used coffee grinds in some of the pots just to see what resaults i would get.i then placed them in my closet with no lights for 2 days.(last time i did this and they sprouted and grew very the end of the second day i decided to put some compact florecent lights on them since there was absoulutly no sign of growth.i have them with 18 hours of light and 6 hours of no its been 4 days now and i still havent had any growth i doing something wrong?should i start to water them with sugar water to help them grow?i would apreciate any helpfull sugestions ,thanks


Well-Known Member
If the pots are moist, leave them. Just be patient :)

Some strains can take quite a few days before they reach above the soil.



my soil drains extremly fast,its like as soon as i water them the water just drains out and the top of the soil is dry,should i just dig in the soil to check if its moist r not?r will that disturb the seed?
im guessing strain means what type of seed?lol im a noob ;D,
lets say its like the race of a dog. Depending on its race, a dog can grow bigger, smaller, White, Brown, Black, Small ears, big ears, etc. Same with your plant. Strain dictates potency, growth, type of high, or for how long it could take for it to germinate, etc. Did you get this seed from somebody or from some weed you were grinding up?
my soil drains extremly fast,its like as soon as i water them the water just drains out and the top of the soil is dry,should i just dig in the soil to check if its moist r not?r will that disturb the seed?
Could you post any pics? it might give people a better view of whats happening and how to approach to a problem.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt dig up the soil..... make sure the top of the soil is nice and moist... placing a ziplock bag over the tops will help with humidity so they can get sprouting... how many watts of CFL's do u have on these beans right now?


i just checked them,one is begining to sprout i think,i see the seed poking out threw the soil wth the little stem below it!should the seed still b atached?


Well-Known Member
the seedling shell will fall off on its own once the plant grows enough.... and only 2 14 watts on how many beans did u plant again???


i have 4 seprate pots,each have about 2-4 seeds in them,i plan on seperating them before there roots have a chance to tangle up


Well-Known Member
you're definately going to need a lot more wattage... i only got 3 beans in solo cups right now with 4 23 watt CFL's hanging over them..... im awaiting them to sprout as well (this is my 2nd attempt)


Well-Known Member
it went good for the most part hahaha.. it was a troubled plant more the less vegged for 4 weeks... topped her and everything but i was running into problems left and right... i think it was cause of my fan drying her leaves out so after 4 weeks... i decided to pull her out (r.i.p.) but now im back at it and getting a lot of help from people on here to correct my past mistakes.


Well-Known Member
best advice i got was to not kill them with kindness let them do their own thing and grow!!!!! i was constantly checking on my lonely soldier.....


lol good luck this time :D my first atempt was pretty good,my plant was a short but stocky type lol,make it ti about 2 months and my friend acedently killed it(my best advice is to not let a drunk friend go near ur plants XD