my seeds still have not sprouted.


Well-Known Member
You should not have 2-4 plants per port they will rootbound eachother and strangle eachother and die unexpectedly later on... By the time you are ready to flower get like atleast 100w of CFL

EDIT I noticed you have addressed the roots tangling but next time place em in seperate pots just so they don't have to get that extra stress. I got three monsters going and a runt that I stunted transplanting that's litterally half of the other size and is the same strain and phenotype...


i see,dam i should have resaerched more before i planted them,imma go ahead and try to seperate now,hopefully i wont trumitize the seeds in the prossces

big bud 56

Active Member
Hello everyone,
first of all,I know that some of you may not have alot of money to start a grow however you should at least get the basics to get started.
Any container will do to grow in,just be sure you clean it out good and put a few holes in the bottom for drainage.
I don't know if you have money to get a good grow medium,soil but if nothing else at least get a potting soil that has soil nutrients.
You will also need some nutrients to feed your plants once they start growing.
I have seen people do successful grows without any nutrients,it really depends how much of a yield you want.
bigger buds means you need to use nutrients.
As far as getting your seeds to germinate I have gotten seeds that are very stubborn to get to pop so I follow the method described in the link here
I have had great success with this method.
Watch the video to learn ho=w.
Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
or should i just find some makeshift thing to plant them in and try to seperate them right now,before they sprout?
Butter bowls and pop bottles whatever you can use would be waaaay better it don't have to be that big ATM just avoiding them tangling would be number one right now if it were me plus its easier to weed out the males if they are in separate containers but the dollar store usually has little half gallon pots 3 for a $1 around here