my setup almost complete


Well-Known Member
alright this is wut im working with. 3x3x4 foot room, 400w hps, circulating fan, 4" inline exhaust. i really need some advise here. anything you can give me well help even the smallest. i want to get this as close to right as possible.

my first quetion is should i have my exhaust fan sitting right by my hps light or should i still have it and the very top of the room??

like i said please let me know if there is anything i should or need to add.
pretty small area u should probly use the sog method. (sea of green) and unless ur using an air cooled light your probly running a major risk of burning your plants.
did u say 4feet high ? cause thats thats not a whole lot to work with.


Well-Known Member
ya about 4 1/2ft ya my plan is a sog type deal. im vegging my mommy's train wreck and northern lights right now. ill be putting 3 of each in every month to harvest a total of 6 plants every months. im experienced with perpetual grows with cfl. no hps experience.


Well-Known Member
also with my light on my temps run 89F and i cant get it lower my space is 36 cubic feet and my exhaust is 80cfm so that should be good right? my intake is just a little desk fan not alot coming in. so do i need i bigger intake or an even bigger exhaust??


Active Member
you need to make the roof taller and you need to run duct from your light to your exhaust fan, basically sucking the heat your light is making right our of the box.
cut a circular hole in the middle of one of the walls and rig a desk fan in there suckin fresh air and blowing it into the box on the plants, that should be good air circulation.!!
its such a small space its gonna be hart to keep temps down tho!!


Active Member
you have to get fresh air in there cant just use a desk fan to blow the hot air around that your light is making....


Active Member
Ok...i have a similar setup...3x3, 400w hps.

Your height could be a problem...4ft...thats gonna be hard to fit everything in there.

Also...your temps should be lower...under 85 or so at least.

That "inline" fan isnt exactly an inline...but more of a duct booster...and theyre not that powerful.

Even though you have like 36cf, and it says 80cfm...its hardly powerful enough to sufficiently cool your area and your HPS.

I'd recommend adding a few feet to your room's height, and getting an actual Inline a 4" ecoplus...Theyre about $90, and rated at 180 cfms....that will keep your area very cool.


Well-Known Member
this box is actually under my basement stairs and i just put a door on it so i cant raise the ceiling at all. well putting the exhaust fan right by my light work because i just have an open hood and cant afford a cool tube + rep crazy


Well-Known Member
damn it. i new that fan wasnt gunna be good enough wen i baught that shit do you have a web site i can get the fan your talking about and is that about as cheap as i can get for wut i need?? + rep thanks guys serously keep it coming


Active Member
im not really up to date on the terminology....your hood has a way to connect duct to it like this.?


Well-Known Member
i do have the option to put sides on it but ya no holes or anything or glass panel under the bulb


Active Member
okay...i would still get some ducting and a fan and try and get that duct as close to hood as you can SAFELY and not interupting the light getting to your plants...

you want to somehow suck that heat your light is making as efficiently as possible...thats what allows you to get the light closer to your plants, the closer you can get your light without burning your plants the better..!!

what i see happening is once your plants grow up your not gonna be able to get the light far enough from the plants and they are gonna burn...thats why i first suggested to make the box taller..!!


Active Member
maybe you could put the sides on the hood then cut a hole in one side and screw somthin like this to it so you could then connect a duct to it..!



Active Member
they have all kinds of shit like that at home should be able to find somthin and make it work..


Active Member
You don't really need a vented hood that badly...I'm using an "Econo-Wing"...which is one of those bat wing types...

All you need is a hole somewhere in the lower part of your box as a passive intake...then a powerful exhaust fan, and a circulation fan.

My circulation fan is attached near the top sort of pointing down, but also sort of pointed at the light reflector. It keeps a good flow of air, and the plants move just the right amount.

The reflector stays cool to the touch, and my temps rarely go over 85.....but thats only with my 80cfm exhaust fan. I've ordered my 4" inline fan (160 cfm) and I know for a fact that baby is gonna keep the temps under 80, and have very good airflow.

Here's one of the cheapest inline fans you can get, but still has very good workmanship.

Its a good fan, i recommend it.