My shopping list, with a couple of q's!


Well-Known Member
Hi there, i'm tried of buying it, so I'm going to start a small grow just two plants at a time (and no more) not interested in selling it, I want it all for meee!

Anyway, I h ave $500 coming my way shortly, so I'm going to invest, i'm currently getting rid of the mold in my basment and painting it up.

I wanted to know if the following products are any good for just two plants. I do want fat buds, and am not doing this in a cardboard box because I want a fairly decent result.

Here's the list below with links, my questions are basically about the carbon filter, I'm going to have a fan going in, and a fan going out, can I use the carbon filter as my exit out ventilation, I play on linking something like the filter attached, to a fan, and straight out. But I don't know what fan will attach to this?

air filter.


bulb for veg

bulb for flowering (i'm hoping I can just swap out the bulb)

Other than the above i'm going to get a fan blowing in at the bottom of the tent, and a small fan inside blowing everything

Again i'm hoping to get a decent fan which will connect to the carbon filter at the top of the room so I can blow straight out (I'll actually be blowing into a seperate room inside the basment to air everything out) and use the carbon filter for outputting the air to keep things simple. I don't see it getting too hot with the bulbs i'm going for. I want to keep it low key and cheap thus the carbon filter and brightness of the bulb, i've been told that these bulbs should do a pretty good job for just two plants.

Any thoughts / suggestions to other products would be really helpful, bearing in mind cost.



Well-Known Member
youre going to need a ballast and hood to hold your bulbs but other than that looks liek you're on the right track. keep doing your research, mostly all of your questions you will ever have/will arise has already been answered on these forums, or someone on here will def help you out. peace and happy growing


Well-Known Member
youre going to need a ballast and hood to hold your bulbs but other than that looks liek you're on the right track. keep doing your research, mostly all of your questions you will ever have/will arise has already been answered on these forums, or someone on here will def help you out. peace and happy growing
A lot of people will tell you that you shouldn't veg with a HPS, but I've never had any issues with it. If you do get both, use them both during both cycles


Active Member
for 500 bucks you will have more smoke than you'll ever need! other than buying the light I bought used off of for 50 bucks(400w) I did everything DIY. black plastic from lowes, spa ckel buckets from a local remodel and some mess pots and the most expensive was the nutes. I use cutting edge. I just love them for deep water! but good luck and look on craigslist you might be able to find some of that used


Well-Known Member
ahh thanks guys. yeah i've been reading for about two months. then I started dreaming and thinking and scheming heheh. i do worry about getting busted. but with only two plants i am not looking to go commercial, it just bugs me that i'm buying something I can grow myself. and it will be so small and low key with hopefully no smell, i'll be keeping my mouth closed to friends etc.

i think i'm going to get the conversion bulb for the unit seems like the easiest bet, so i'll use that one for veg / one for flowering.

will there really be much of a difference if I use 250 for 2 plants, instead of a 150? i'm going to get one of those sun masters so i can plug it straight in (comes with the ballast etc) I think that's the cheaper bet

thanks again everyone!!


Well-Known Member
Yes there will be a major difference between the two
150 watt HPS puts out about 16,000 lumens while a 250 watt HPS puts out around 26,000 lumens
Big difference


Well-Known Member
one thing that is puzzling me is the type of fan I should get for carbon filter. does anyone know of a good carbon filter that comes with a fan (for inside of tent?).

2 plants at a time only (For personal use!) tent will be about... 4 foot wide, 5 foot high, 3 foot deep!


Well-Known Member

fan seems a bit pricey? i've seen some pretty good looking (and slightly larger sometimes) carbon filters for $50. I would have thought I could get a fan for another $50ish (saving of $100 right there!).

Although maybe these little fans are expensive because they're so small?

This was the carbon filter I was thinking about (just having found the right fan don't know what i'm doing there)


Well-Known Member
The odor sock you linked is a 4 inch while the one I linked is a carbon filter that is 6 inches and comes with a 6 inch fan that is why there is a higher price
The one I linked should last longer than the one you did just as a heads up
And your fan cannot be more than 190 CFM with your linked odor sock


Well-Known Member
The odor sock you linked is a 4 inch while the one I linked is a carbon filter that is 6 inches and comes with a 6 inch fan that is why there is a higher price
The one I linked should last longer than the one you did just as a heads up
And your fan cannot be more than 190 CFM with your linked odor sock
that's cool. I think I need to pass just 45 cfm... of air (i'm a dummy with this) I did a calculation based on width/height/depth etc, apparently i need just half of a 95cfm fan for 6 air changes an hour. something like that.

I was hoping I could get a fan and filter for about $100 not $200. but if I have to spend $200ish, i'll have to spend that! just makes everything that much more pricey for me.


Well-Known Member
A 95 CFM fan will not be able to pull through that thing dude nor will it be able to cool your room


Well-Known Member
ok cool. i'm getting my head around what I need now, I've added your fan/filter to my list for now! and will see where I end up (will look for same but cheaper).