My short bushy mom, pics


Well-Known Member
Since I was taking photos anyway I decided to grab one of my short bushy mom. I used a mix of topping, supercropping and LST to get her like this. She lives in a small cab with one 55w compact T5. I need to get a smaller bulb in there because she's still growing to much.

I put the Diet Coke cans in to give it some scale

What she looks like from the top.



Well-Known Member
beautiful mother you got going.... I keep my mothers under led lights....its easier to control their growth..
did I say your mother was beautiful..? :^)


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jats. I'm thinking about making a new lighting system for the cab that uses 3x13w compact T5's, it would drop the lumens in half and let me use a mix of 2x6,500k and 1x3,000k for the spectrum.