my shroom grow grow log.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Notta at the moment, been a little while. But I have done Pesa's, EQ's, B+'s and pink buffalo's.


Well-Known Member
Strait up I almost ate some mycelium tonight I am so drunk! Google research told me I would have to eat too much for my taste.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Oh the size aint a bad thing, i was just sayin theyll get big..

B+ is my fav by far, they grow soo damn easy and have some kinda punch packed inside.

Pesa's would prolly be the most visual IMO


Well-Known Member
yeah, i hear b+ are pretty good. i'll have to buy a syringe of them soon. so Pesa give good visual? haven't heard much about them... but then again... i don't shroom talk very often lol


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
No shit man, I had a complete conversation with my cat one night about how he wants to go outside n I dont let him. HIs mouth seemed to move just like a fuckin disney movie. lol. I felt sooo bad for holding my cat prisoner lol. All because of Pesa's.
The hair on my cats back looked like it had big worms crawling and leaves in trees fuckin were little triangle turning like inside a colidascope.
Ive dont my share of trippin but those bitches were visual to the max every time.


Well-Known Member
No shit man, I had a complete conversation with my cat one night about how he wants to go outside n I dont let him. HIs mouth seemed to move just like a fuckin disney movie. lol. I felt sooo bad for holding my cat prisoner lol. All because of Pesa's.
The hair on my cats back looked like it had big worms crawling and leaves in trees fuckin were little triangle turning like inside a colidascope.
Ive dont my share of trippin but those bitches were visual to the max every time.
haha too funny man. How much does it take to see visuals? I ate 4g of the eq a couple weeks ago and just laughed the whole time. No visuals

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
The mycelium seems to take its time for a while then it seems like it reaches a point where it just takes off. Fungi are seriously interesting organisms.