my sob story


Well-Known Member
Hello all i have not been on in a while because of problems at home well they all came to a end in a hearbreaking choping of my 10 best ladies im so sad its so sad to see these fallen soilders in a black garbage bag it makes me want to cry. I am a 27 yearold female who lives in a small town located in hell also known as eastern canada lol i moved here with my ex two years ago and we started our own family grow thing well two weeks ago we decided to split up the deal was going to be he took half of our grow stuff anf half the plants and blah blah blah you knwo how it goes well he decided to beat me up because for the first time in 3 years i started making friends and even though we where split it really got under his skin so he broke some bones ribs and knocked me out this led to him telling me if i went to the hospital or told the cops he would rat about our grow ouch that hurt more then the broken bones so i just came from my basement where i had to chop my plants i needed to share with you all in hopes that seomone out there will light one for all the women and men who get the short end of the stick in these situations and of course for the ladies lost today. keep growing we will one day be free to do what we love


Well-Known Member
If you already trashed your plants, go to the police and press charges on that motherfucker!! Fuck him, he has NO right to lay a hand on you. NO RIGHT. Get his ass thrown in jail so Bubba can bitch slap him around!
Wow, this really enrages me.


Well-Known Member
If you already trashed your plants, go to the police and press charges on that motherfucker!! Fuck him, he has NO right to lay a hand on you. NO RIGHT. Get his ass thrown in jail so Bubba can bitch slap him around!
Wow, this really enrages me.
I live in a very small town in a small province where everyone knows everyone and i know no one so im not going to be going to the police the back lash from that would be way worse since he knows alot of people here im just sad that even after being with someone for 3 years they would use our hobby as a way to get me in trouble growing to me is a very nice thing it relaxes me and brings me peace so using ti as a tool puts us back in the war against drugs mind frame and i hate that alot


Well-Known Member
for real fuck that guy I'm sorry to hear about your situation, clean up everything grow related and remove it from your house. You shouldn't have to live in fear


Well-Known Member
for real fuck that guy I'm sorry to hear about your situation, clean up everything grow related and remove it from your house. You shouldn't have to live in fear
I did not get rid of my lights because i also grow alot of plants for the summer and i sell them at the flea market and right now i have about 100 other plants growing for taht reason but i did have to chop my ladies and get rid af any pot related grow stuff makes me sad


Well-Known Member
I am sorry DutchLady, but I would not let him get away with what he did to you. Even if it meant moving, I would....What is to say he isn't going to come back to beat you some more? He will. You need to protect yourself, foremost. It makes me shudder when I hear of men beating on women.

One man smacked me in my life....It yielded him broken knee caps.


Well-Known Member
I did not get rid of my lights because i also grow alot of plants for the summer and i sell them at the flea market and right now i have about 100 other plants growing for taht reason but i did have to chop my ladies and get rid af any pot related grow stuff makes me sad
well it sounds like you have a reason to have your lights then. if you don't trust your local police you should go to the sheriff (if they have them in canada). I'm not ususaly for going to police but if some guy is gonna break your ribs you need to. Domestic violence usually escalates and if he's already breaking bones imagine what could be next.


Well-Known Member
well it sounds like you have a reason to have your lights then. if you don't trust your local police you should go to the sheriff (if they have them in canada). I'm not ususaly for going to police but if some guy is gonna break your ribs you need to. Domestic violence usually escalates and if he's already breaking bones imagine what could be next.
He is out of the house now and i have a peace bond against him im sure that will be good enough and he just moves on but what bothers me is that as growers we need to be united and never use pot as a way to get back at another grower whatever the situation we need to treat growing as something that is right not wrong or it just makes us look bad and fuels the goverments ability to continue the war on drugs


Well-Known Member
Small province? Which one? Last time I checked, there wasn't a Province that said it was okay to beat a woman for ANY reason. If you're not willing to press charges ... at least assure us you've seen the ass-end of him. :evil:


Well-Known Member
thats fucked up im sorry to hear what happened but if you cant go to the cops.... handle it with some street justice... either way an eye for an eye is only fair even if it leaves the world blind you wont be the only blind person


Well-Known Member
My first two 'father figures' beat my mom and she took it. The first one met my ball bat, the second one met re-bar concrete bracing. I simply don't stand for people violently attacking others for no reason. Anyone lays a hand on my wife they're meeting the same guy my dad and first step dad met only this time I'm more prepared.

This guy doesn't deserve to breath!



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Staff member
Cowardly, I cannot stand a man that attacks a weaker being for personal satisfaction. Simply won't tolerate it.


Well-Known Member
sob as in i had to stop my grow because of something stupid and thats why im upset ya hes gone no big deal move on and up i work hard i pay the bills im fine alone so that part does not upset me its the fact that one grower would use growing against another grower thats my point of this thread its just not right and hey i got a good few kicks in a great slap and my dog bite him a few times drawimg blood so taht was not even that big of a deal its the fact that this is not right NEVER USE GROWING AGAINST ANOTHER GROWER how can we move forward when we do this to eachother


Well-Known Member
sob as in i had to stop my grow because of something stupid and thats why im upset ya hes gone no big deal move on and up i work hard i pay the bills im fine alone so that part does not upset me its the fact that one grower would use growing against another grower thats my point of this thread its just not right and hey i got a good few kicks in a great slap and my dog bite him a few times drawimg blood so taht was not even that big of a deal its the fact that this is not right NEVER USE GROWING AGAINST ANOTHER GROWER how can we move forward when we do this to eachother
Seriously, did you expect a man that will break your bones to follow the moral concept of NEVER USE GROWING AGAINST ANOTHER GROWER..??? I think you can see that most of us here are not upset about your grow being taken down...The beating of a woman is not to be taken lightly....The only thing that stuck out to me in your story was....HE BEAT YOU. I could care less about the grow, sorry. Good luck in your future endeavors, I hope you learned to stay clear of man beaters...Especially if you let them get away with it...