my soil looks dry on top but my moisture meter says its wet on da bottom is that koo?


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering ..because I'm at the seed stage riight now and it hasent broke throu the soil yet it only been a day so I'm not expecting it to yet...but it looks dry on top but when I stick my moisture meter in the middle and the bottom its says its moist so I was wondering is that okay for it to look dry on the top


New Member
when you water your plant wait a few days then re water it ! should be dry top soil put your finger in the soil and poke down ! if its dry all the way to your second knuckle then water ! also depends on your pot ? 1 gallon pots need to be watered every other day ! 3 dallon pots ever 2 days 5 to 10 gallon pots 3 to 5 days.


Well-Known Member
yup, it is just fine, when the pot is light(weight) it is nice and dry and ready for water. You will get used to it.


Well-Known Member
when you water your plant wait a few days then re water it ! should be dry top soil put your finger in the soil and poke down ! if its dry all the way to your second knuckle then water ! also depends on your pot ? 1 gallon pots need to be watered every other day ! 3 dallon pots ever 2 days 5 to 10 gallon pots 3 to 5 days.

Its less then a gallon its not that biig but its bigg enough I'm just startin off wiit thiis one till it gets bigger.....when should it start to break threw the soil????


Well-Known Member
I try to shoot for weight of pot. You want the roots to go deep, and spread out, so if there is water, chances are your plant will find it and build a better root system because of it. I water every 3 days in 1g pots (the black tall ones). I can usually tell when to water because the tips of their leaves start to turn down ever so slightly. My experience has been that letting them dry out a little is better than overwatering. Just don't go extreme, I check my plants 2-3 times a day and react to early signs.