Active Member

I hated my last setup, lots of ductwork, was too small, heat issues. i had enough!
So first of all, the long ductwork was not helping my heat issues, so CHECK gotta fix that, and too small, fixed that, now how to make more efficient.
THIS was my solution. Fixed mounted hood, fan fixed also, and vented into my ceiling area. 2' or so TOTAL of ductwork, and NOW, how to get plantz to light.
I am in construction, and stumbled onto a 4'x2' piece of wire chase on a job and LIGHTBULB.....use this as my table so to speak, and use ratchet straps on corners so it floats, THEN I can adjust plants to light instead! The adj system holds 100# per pair, so weight is fine. It's easy to adjust, works great, and plants can be as close as I want with little effort.
I have a filtered 10"x10" vent hole in lower part of room for fresh in, room never goes above 82, never lower than 71. Hum is always at 35-45%. So far is going perfectly, juzt curious if anyone else has seen the setup I'm using. Any thoughts would be awesome!!!