My Sour Deisel is drooping! help. Please check out pics


the leaves are just drooping down and ive tried everything. flushed the water out and and flushed the lil guy so i could start fresh with it but still goin down. I started fresh with nutes too. what to do? AHHHHH



i moved the light further away some, put a wet towel inside the tent for humidity and more ventilation near the lil guy but he still seems droopy and not getting any better. Any more suggestions?


The rest of it looks good, very green and smells nice. just dont understand the thin drooping lifeless leaves. Why aren't my babies thriving?


Well something sure isn't right. I've gone over everything it can be. Can't think of any other solutions so i'm just gonna get rid of it. i dont wanna just sit and watch it die!! The others are acting somewhat strange too. Weird spots on leaves, some are starting to discolor. I'm really pissed though cause they were all doin great, i didnt change anything then all of a sudden this shit! its really fucking frustrating, especially when a lot of money is put into it....


Well-Known Member
Could be that youve used to much nutes and its locked up. Try using plain ph'd water with some thrive alive or super thrive for a week or so and see if they improve. Then if that fixes it start adding your nutes at 1/4 to 1/2 strength untill it can handle full strength.
Hope this helps you


i flushed it again and now with no nutes at all. Hopefully it will revive her. Also i just got a 400 watt MH light so that could change it up for the better. I'm crossin my fingers... I may have to invest in something more but not sure exactly what would help. i'll try some of thT SUPER THRIVE/tHRIVE ALIVE.


Ok. I'm gonna use fresh no nutes purified water tomorrow. I'll lower the water level also and see if that helps. I have 2 air stones in each bucket, i thought that would work well enough but i'm gonna get smaller buckets and maybe smaller net pots with less hydroton pellets. thanks everyone i'll let you guys know how shes doin tomorrow night. i gotta stop doin all this when i'm "medicated"...Haha...peace out thanks again guys


Active Member
might want to get a soil moisture meter to help with watering just so you know when you should water again. can pick one up at lowes for 5-6 bucks.

also when you are watering are you watering at the stem or in a ring around the perimeter of the plant? (should be watering around the rim as to promote growth)

and what size pots are you using there? it could be that the plants are working on growing roots right now and its a rather large pot to its taking a while.

npk of the soil? or is it 100% hydroton?


Ya i had the same idea from the start. I knew these pots were too big and ya they are still way young and developing roots. Its all i had and i thought it would work. The others are doin pretty good now though. Its all hydroton! I give it some drips myself to the stem but i change the water once a week. I have 5 gallon buckets with full size net pots. I think your 100% correct tho Xenosis! I'll post some pics in a few show u what i came up with. Where should i start though to make sure they get a good root system going? Thanks so much by the way, you def have some experience.


Active Member
Ya i had the same idea from the start. I knew these pots were too big and ya they are still way young and developing roots. Its all i had and i thought it would work. The others are doin pretty good now though. Its all hydroton! I give it some drips myself to the stem but i change the water once a week. I have 5 gallon buckets with full size net pots. I think your 100% correct tho Xenosis! I'll post some pics in a few show u what i came up with. Where should i start though to make sure they get a good root system going? Thanks so much by the way, you def have some experience.
well one thing i would recommend is to add some perlite in to fill the gaps between the hydroton (in the future anyways as it might be hard at this point), that way the roots can get a better grasp of the medium helping your plant grow more vigorous.

and how is the drip system implemented? is it on 24/7 constantly dripping or activated? i would recommend adding ti to a timer if you have one to drip at a higher rate for less at a time as the plants need some time without water just as they need some time without light.

humidity/temp levels?

Still has a small air stone, much smaller bucket & net pot. Whats the best way the clean the roots?
did you already flush the system? i think your roots are plenty clean unless something happened.

btw your plants health should get better after adding the 400watt so long as it doesn't get ridiculously hot. so definitely don't chuck the plant yet.


Well i don't have an actual drip system. Its just a bucket with 2 air stones. So its submerged 24/7 with 2 airstones always running. Ya perlite sounds like a good idea. I did flush the sour d and just trying to start fresh now. but i think the roots may have already been affected. temp never goes over 80, humidity is between 34 and 44 constantly.


Active Member
Well i don't have an actual drip system. Its just a bucket with 2 air stones. So its submerged 24/7 with 2 airstones always running. Ya perlite sounds like a good idea. I did flush the sour d and just trying to start fresh now. but i think the roots may have already been affected. temp never goes over 80, humidity is between 34 and 44 constantly.
try to get your humidity to the 50-60 range, other than that just give it some time to mellow out.

i dont really know how the air stones work, but from my experience its generally a bad idea to keep the roots in watery conditions 24/7.

also, given that the leaves are still mostly green albeit droopy, im leaning towards the problem being too much water.

how are the leaves to the touch? crispy/soft?

also keep in mind that you could be doing nothing particularly wrong, but it just happens that this plant is needing different or lesser amounts at its current stage of growth. think of a child, just force feeding he/she more food isnt necessarily going to promote quicker growth, but rather just make the child fatter. but as they grow they can consume and do require more intake. a plant is no different in that at early stages it can only use so much of one thing at a time before it starts having to cope with excess. this excess or lack thereof takes form in different combinations of conditions ie yellowing, browning, curling, drooping, etc.

id stop watering for about a day or two, until you think its dry throughout the pot, use a sprayer to keep the surface a little moist in the meantime and then ease into the watering.


Well I'm sorry to say. she has passed away....No more Sour D for me :( I actaully think this bubblepoics DWC isn't the best route. I'm prog gonna switch to either ebb & flow, aeroponics, or soil. The bubble skunk is going through the same thing, after all ive tried to do to revive her, the other ones starting to go. Such crap! flushed and tried to start fresh with root revive. Obviously not working. i'm using the best water around, still not good enough. tried with no nutes for a few days, the were goin down bad so i gave them the smallest amount (seriously a drop) and they went berzerk and hated their food. don't know how the romulan is still thriving big time, but that one is on track. Maybe the others didn't like me haha. not sure but there could seriously be like 100 things i'm doin wrong. Any suggestions would be great.

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member

