My Spice (k-2, Herbal Incense, Synthetic Marijuana) Trip Left Physical Evidence!


Well-Known Member
I come up with it from personal experience. Let's see a dab et you high for 24 hrs. Feel free ato contradict me in a meaningful way.
Seriously if u think edibals r that powerful youre a non smoker and a child. Step your game up


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry,I was too busy cropping to go to the gas station and buy some bullshit that makesyou trip,not getsyou high...any of you guys heard of lysergic acid? That's what u take to trip...not some chemical made in china or wherever...research chems are just that..research...I've researched (informationally) about spice...its bad shit...I've also researched other chems (informationally) then made informed decisions to partake in said chems...after not hearing horror stories of siezures and o.d.'s and lost hours...if it has corn in it,smells like a sewer,its probably shit.


Well-Known Member
I also feel that spice give herb a bad image..if you wanna get high so bad you are willing to risk a trip to the e.r....well the general public will equate that to the lack of the real 'drug' that brought on those choices of actions...and keep both spice and herb banned...fuck spice.


Well-Known Member
I also feel that spice give herb a bad image..if you wanna get high so bad you are willing to risk a trip to the e.r....well the general public will equate that to the lack of the real 'drug' that brought on those choices of actions...and keep both spice and herb banned...fuck spice.
In a kind of brutal-cycle it seems like weed being illegal actually contributes to spice usage; while spice usage continues to make illegal drugs more scary. The vast majority of people who smoke spice (That I have seen/heard accounts of.) can have their beginnings summed up as "I get drug tested; so I smoke spice.".


Well-Known Member
Id rather wait till I would be safe to smoke herb..I'm not lookin for a ride to the e.r..or get high on that stuff and not be able to remember what a 'great' time I had...if u can't smoke,eat shrooms or L...smoking spice is equivalent to huffing gasoline as far as I'm in somolia cover feces with cans and trap methane to huff for a high also...


Well-Known Member
Kpmarine..wouldnt synthetic cannabinoids show up on a drug test? I'm no scientist,but I figure since its in the same family of chemical it would...I wouldn't know cause I've never been tested..and hope to never be.. :-)


Well-Known Member
Kpmarine..wouldnt synthetic cannabinoids show up on a drug test? I'm no scientist,but I figure since its in the same family of chemical it would...I wouldn't know cause I've never been tested..and hope to never be.. :-)
While the chemical may be there, the tests used aren't looking for them. Just like 'shrooms weren't tested for when I was in the Marines. They have a test for them, but it costs more. With the research chems; it's because they change regularly, and most aren't technically illegal. Since it's not illegal, most people don't care to test. Just to test for "spice" you'd need to add probably about a dozen new compunds (If not more) to test for. That's a lot of extra time and expense. Both in testing and creating new tests.

A lot of folks I knew in the military (Myself included) smoked spice because it didn't show on the tests. Spice and Bath Salts were both big in their own circles due to their untestable nature. I'm not a chemist by any means. But my understanding is that a test checks for the drug you ingested. It identifies a particular compund, not the effects. Spice has no THC in it, so it won't flag on a test to detect THC.


Well-Known Member
I kinda equated it to testing positive for meth if u ate molly,or heroin if u ate a percocet...still wouldn't smoke the stuff....
Dont worry about where i got my illegal drugs man and was green lantern even in theathers.. I kno i was to young to to see it if it was honestly but uve all seen it man. And its a good catchy fcukin movie.. Wats a good movie to you? Star wars? Define good movie. Its an opinion and ur guys' opinions r retarded... Tag a longs
Are you really just gonna bitch at everyone who comes to this thread? Grow up, although that's asking a lot of someone who swears by shitty gas station oregano doused in chemicals. :finger:


While the chemical may be there, the tests used aren't looking for them. Just like 'shrooms weren't tested for when I was in the Marines. They have a test for them, but it costs more. With the research chems; it's because they change regularly, and most aren't technically illegal. Since it's not illegal, most people don't care to test. Just to test for "spice" you'd need to add probably about a dozen new compunds (If not more) to test for. That's a lot of extra time and expense. Both in testing and creating new tests.

A lot of folks I knew in the military (Myself included) smoked spice because it didn't show on the tests. Spice and Bath Salts were both big in their own circles due to their untestable nature. I'm not a chemist by any means. But my understanding is that a test checks for the drug you ingested. It identifies a particular compund, not the effects. Spice has no THC in it, so it won't flag on a test to detect THC.
I think some high school and college athletes are getting tested now for Spice, but the way manufacturers keep changing the formula (which you have nothing but their word about what it is), they're probably outdated by now. Maybe there's some common denominator between them all


Well-Known Member
Edibles all have different potency; It's up to the person baking the edibles as to how potent they will be.
The potency of the canna-butter usually determines how potent the edible will be.
Like the potency of BHO is different depending on what it was made with(buds/leaves).

Obviously you don't know anything about the potency of edibles.
I've baked some goodies that people wont eat because it's too strong!
5-6 hr. buzz + sleepytime for me, others just black/green-out after ~30 min. later.

Smoking BHO is instant, Edibles take 30 min-1 hr. before they hit you.


Well-Known Member
My women will out-bake you and yo momma. Bho is stronger than an average edibal sorry that u have to put 10 grams in a brownie haha.
You clearly don't know how to make edibles if you're using 10g a brownie. Also, are you a polygamist? That "my women" thing is throwing me off.


Well-Known Member
Edibles all have different potency; It's up to the person baking the edibles as to how potent they will be.
The potency of the canna-butter usually determines how potent the edible will be.
Like the potency of BHO is different depending on what it was made with(buds/leaves).

Obviously you don't know anything about the potency of edibles.
I've baked some goodies that people wont eat because it's too strong!
5-6 hr. buzz + sleepytime for me, others just black/green-out after ~30 min. later.

Smoking BHO is instant, Edibles take 30 min-1 hr. before they hit you.
Exactly! Last time I made cookies, one of my roommates was too high to do anything for an entire day; that was 1 cookie. It had maybe 1/2 gram in it, in the form of cannabutter.


Well-Known Member
hahahahahahahah!!!! U guys weigh what u put in cannabutter!??...I just throw like a qp sized bag of sugar leaf in a pound of butter...and black out a party...what say you atidd? u like butter?...I've made cookies so strong you piss skunk in the morning...


Well-Known Member
hahahahahahahah!!!! U guys weigh what u put in cannabutter!??...I just throw like a qp sized bag of sugar leaf in a pound of butter...and black out a party...what say you atidd? u like butter?...I've made cookies so strong you piss skunk in the morning...
Measuring is generally helpful, yes


Well-Known Member
Helpful to conserve...the point is to get high...perhaps I'm just spoiled...I laugh at people I work with who say "I got point 6 in my jar,wanna match up?"...I don't know what .6 of a gram looks like when it comes to herb..I just cram nugs in bowls...


Well-Known Member
Helpful to conserve...the point is to get high...perhaps I'm just spoiled...I laugh at people I work with who say "I got point 6 in my jar,wanna match up?"...I don't know what .6 of a gram looks like when it comes to herb..I just cram nugs in bowls...
It's to gauge effects. I don't measure weed otherwise. It's so I can tell someone whether they're going to feel good or get knocked the hell out.