My stealth doublestacked rubbermaid

Day 16
(It's really day 17, but these pics are from yesterday)

I fim'ed them a couple days ago. I think I did it right lol

I just love watching my babies grow!!

Blah blah blah... now some pics



I'm really glad I made my jig.. structure... whatever you want to call it thingamabob
Day 19

Who likes pics??

Anna looks like she is taller but its just the angle I took the pic. Idk if I fimmed correct. It doesn't look like I did.
They are becoming little bushes


Sharing quality time together
(Anna on the left, Bella on the right)
Update for anyone who stumbles onto this thread that's growing some Blue Cheese. They started smelling today! I opened the lid and got hit with some sweet funk.
Looking good man, i subbed the other day after i read through everything. These rubbermaid grows are interesting and your setup is damn good. Plants look beautiful.
They got a couple more inches till they get to the screen level. Should I let them be until they reach to it? Or, should I do some trimming? They're becoming little bushes.

I appreciate the compliments y'all, and all the help you guys provide. I can't wait till I get to smoke my own home grown goodness!
as a i was told do not trim until they get 2 the screen keep just training once you flip to 12/12 they will stretch through direct each budsite through a hole while training thiem.then trim and lollipop
im on day 11 12/12 with my scrog and i havent trimmed yet im waiting once a few more of my budsites reach the screen then ill start a little trim then lollipop once they are all officially flowering through.
just a way some one told me/
grow on brotha:peace:
Good grow my friend!! Im starting a grow of my own here soon and I just have a couple questions..How exactly did you build you structure for the lights? i love the idea of it! and Are you using an T5 lights? If so what wattage? Sub'd!
With some scrap wood from either HD or Lowes, some all thread, screws, nuts and washers. I can post better close up pics if you want.

Right now I just have 6 18w cfls in there with sockets set for 12. I be slowly adding more, stopping when it temps get too high. I will be updating my lights with a sealed light box with separate exhaust or getting the 4 bulb 2ft T5. I got some time to decide since I'm building a cab right to set up a perpetual grow. I'm addicted to building things like this. Which means I'll probably build another one after that lol
Day 23

So my previous fim attempt didn't work. I attempted again shortly after these pics. I hope it works. We'll see...


Your's is coming along nicely, mine did become some little bushes! I'm thinking I may transfer mine to the 2 gallons. I'm soooo tempted to just throw my girls into flowering. I'm holding off though. My next watering will be full strength nutes so I'm a lil excited to see how much difference it makes.
@ BB61, the Xbox fans work pretty good, ima put 2 more in the Rubbermaid box to cool it off alil more... butt they work good.. also one of my plants died, my friend fead my plants with sum nutes and it got nute burned but I have 2 others growing so so with afew hiccups but growing plus I have 2 more seedlings that sprouted..
Price for my rubbermaid box:

2- 31gal rubbermaids @ 15.68
4- 3ft All thread bars (3/8-12?)@3.00
4- 3ft All thread bars (8-32)@3.00
1- plywood base (free, scrap bin)
1- 120v 105cfm fan (free)
1- 12v ???cfm fan (free)
3- backdraft dampers @6.28
2- aluminum tape rolls @3.98
2- 3 socket vanity light @9.98
Misc nuts and screws about @6.00
1- growing your own weed : priceless

So it cost me about $100 not including the bulbs. I got lucky with the fans, and the wood was all scrap wood they had in the bin.