My Step up


Well-Known Member
Well this is my set up, pretty much all done I have one 250 watt mh, one 400watt HPS. Last time I was at the local shop they were out of mylar, so I have to swing back up pick some up.

I do however need some advice. I have been watering by hand, and its not to time consuming to water just three. I have some seeds fromt he dock on the way and I was wondering what is the best way to set up a watering system for 10 plants. I'm using fox farm soil and whatnot. So I'm just wondering the best way to set up a watering system. Thanks for the imput.



Well-Known Member
really 52 people have looked at this and no one knows or has any imput or ideas. Thats kinda funny, thanks anyways guys.


Well-Known Member
Nice set up, I would just get a long watering wand. That would work great for 10 plants...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the imput. I guess I could hook that up to my sink(2nd floor apt). I looking for something that can be put on a timer. Kinda like a drip system but I don't know if those work for soil. I have searched around and just can't really find anything. I think I will go check out Filthy last soil grow maybe he will have something in their. Thanks agian man.

Kief Reefer

Well-Known Member
What you need is a wick system. Works on soil or dense soil less mediums. Run a nylon cord 1/2 inch thick horizontally through your pot into the middle of your medium. The end of the nylon cord should dip into a reservoir directly beneath the raised pot. Osmosis will draw the water into the pot whenever it is needed, all you need to do is replace the water in the reservoir. Make sure all nutrient levels are balanced and pH is check once a day, especially when using tap water.

Marijuana Grower's Handbook: Indoor High Yield Guide by Ed Rosenthal 3rd ed.


Well-Known Member
I do however need some advice. I have been watering by hand, and its not to time consuming to water just three. I have some seeds fromt he dock on the way and I was wondering what is the best way to set up a watering system for 10 plants. I'm using fox farm soil and whatnot. So I'm just wondering the best way to set up a watering system. Thanks for the imput.

What about an ebb and flow setup? I'm running DWC right now, but I'm going to switch to ebb and flow for my next go round.


Well-Known Member
looks good, you will need to make some adjustments(with the room) down the road so, its trial & error. keep us posted on results,,GL,,is it your first grow???


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well looks like your using a hydro hut.The easiest and best way to grow in it would be a simple 4x4 flood table you could do 20 plus plants in that and its all automated.If you just want a couple plants in soil then watering is easy.Just get a small fountain pump about $8-12 .Then get a hose that fits it then just run the hose between the pots use a T fitting to add 1 drip line to each pot on a stake.Cap the end of the hose.Now you have a dripper in each pot run to a main line to your pump which will be is a res (good 20 gallon rubbermaid will work).Then just add a timer set to however long it takes to water your particular pots.Simple takes about $20 and about 10 minutes to setup


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You can also instead of a dripper make a loop with hose around the plant using a T fitting to hold the ends then run a small length of hose from the T stem to the main line which a T will be sticking out to connect.Then just use a very small drill bit and make a dozen small holes in the circle hose around the base of the plant and the ring will water the entire pot in a circle making even waterings


Well-Known Member
Thanks to everyone that replyed much appreciated. Flithy Thank you for you reply, I will be swing by home depot and the local shop tomorrow should be able to pick all that stuff up. Maybe I'll post a DIY thread to help the next guy. Marry Christmas and thxs agian.


Well-Known Member
and yes this is my first grow. I was going to use some 125 watt cfls then I did some reading and end up with this.bongsmilie