My stoner logic, top 5 reasons why weed shoulld be legal

yeah lol im baked....

Top 5 reasons Marijuana should be legal
Millions of Americans of all ages and races are frequent pot smokers.There are millions more who are infrequent pot smokers. Smokingmarijuana clearly has fewer dangerous effects on society than legaldrugs such as alcohol. So without further a due, here's my top 5reasons Marijuana should be legal.

5. The war on Marijuana has failed. It's been outlawed for 75 years andmillions of people continue to use the drug annually. Marijuana iscurrently the nation's largest cash crop and it's grown worldwide.There is no evidence to suggest that this trend will reverse itselfanytime soon.

4. Becauseof prohibition, non-violent drug offenders have faced fines, penalties,and even jail/prison time due to a drug that is much safer than thelegalized alcohol. Why do we continue to punish those who use a drugthat doesn't threaten society?

3.A regulated legal market for marijuana would do several good things forsociety. A) the drug would be cheaper so we'd save money and be able tospend towards other things, thus boosting the economy. B) Childrenwouldn't be exposed to other illegal drugs that are often soldalongside marijuana through dealers. C) Teenagers would have lessincentive to sell to their friends and peers since the drug would bereadily available at designated retailers/locations.

2.Legalized marijuana would reduce if not completely wipe out allmarijuana sales from overseas criminal/terrorist organizations. Theseorganizations profit billions of dollars each year just from marijuanasales. The result is an overflow of marijuana onto US streets andopportunities for criminal empires to expand.

1.Smoking pot isn't dangerous to society. There have been no more than 0deaths directly related to the smoking of marijuana. Can we say thesame for legal drugs such as alcohol?

Sure, these are prettysimple reasons but it's a simple issue. There are no logical reasons toban marijuana especially if you're in favor of keeping alcohol as alegal drug. Who cares if it's addictive? Aren't all things enjoyable?


Well-Known Member
those a 5 good reasons.

there are also many, many more.

i don't think it will come any time soon.

it just makes me laugh that the first time it was prohibited it was because the drug made you "mad", then the second prohibition was pretty much for the exact opposite reason.

how can the powers at be justify making it legal now? after all the time and effort spent making it illegal and misinforming people?
omg i know. i saw this thing about weed on cnn the other day and they guy said that weed is bad because it makes you paranoid and irritable. and all i could think was yeah irritable when i dont smoke