My Super CFL Lowryder 2 AeroGrow


Well-Known Member
Alright, so I'm pussing out on doing an update tonight. Long-ass night at work, way too stoned and tired to flush the rez, bust out the camera and take pics, blah blah blah. First thing tomorrow.


Well-Known Member

Well, here they are! Still going pretty strong, though no sign of flowering quite yet. I believe they'll definitely start sprouting white hairs this week. My FF feeding schedule has called for strictly flowering nutes for the next two weeks. They got 2 teaspoons of Tiger Bloom and 1 tablespoon Big Bloom today in a fresh reservoir.

The plant on the right is the one with the stem rot, and despite being a girl, she has taken it like a man :) . I think I'll spray the stem with fungicide once more here in a couple days, just to finish the job. That plant has started to show some brown tips over the last couple days. Not sure if its because of the fungicide or a nutrient deficiency of some type. I topped off the rez with PH'd water only all week because the other plant had a little nute burn. The one I was concerned about seemed to love the break from the nutes... as you can see she has blown up just in the past 4 days, surpassing the other plant in size. The other one is hungry for more, though, I think. We'll see how they respond to the flowering nutes. As expected, the plants have stretched ever so slightly since the AG hood was raised, but they still look pretty OK to me.

Well thats all the news I can remember to report right now. Enjoy the pics, and comment away!! :peace:



Well-Known Member
Lookin great man, there recovering well, might be a lil nute burn if anything, buy they look fine to me, keep it up man, cant wait to see them flowering :weed:


Well-Known Member
with such a STRONG healthy root system, you should see some AWESOME flowering!
they look healthy! happy to hear you cleared up the stem rot... i assume you did, if not that root system will soon help repair the plant!

well done, be proud!! haha peace :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Yea, looking awesome man keep it up.

I cant wait to see these ladies start reaching up and stretch out. You should have tons of bud sites..

Also, looks like you have done a good job keeping your roots pretty separated and manageable.


Active Member
hey new to this site have done a few soil projects currently on my third with good and bad results , but i was lookin into the AG system and was wondering over all how you liked the water distrubution and what your nutrient schedule was. or even advice for a new comer to aeroponics and or aerogarden :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hey new to this site have done a few soil projects currently on my third with good and bad results , but i was lookin into the AG system and was wondering over all how you liked the water distrubution and what your nutrient schedule was. or even advice for a new comer to aeroponics and or aerogarden :bigjoint:
Welcome to RIU!
Begin hereAeroGarden Guide FAQ v2.0

Answers a lot of AG questions. Several grows going in the aeroardeners board.
Check mine in my sig.


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2617796]Lookin great man, there recovering well, might be a lil nute burn if anything, buy they look fine to me, keep it up man, cant wait to see them flowering :weed:[/quote]
Thanks homie, I can't wait for flowering either. You probably are seeing the brown tips on the plant on the right and thinking nute burn. Thats what I thought at first too until I realized that those tips actually showed up after I gave them a big break from nutes. I think they're actually from a nute deficiency, cuz they look different than the spots of nute burn that were on the other plant. In any case, I think they're gonna be fine.


Well-Known Member
with such a STRONG healthy root system, you should see some AWESOME flowering!
they look healthy! happy to hear you cleared up the stem rot... i assume you did, if not that root system will soon help repair the plant!

well done, be proud!! haha peace :bigjoint:

Thanks man. Unfortunately the stem rot seems to be lingering a little bit, but the girls are powering through it, and I'm treating it the best I can. Pretty soon your clones will have roots like these too :)


Well-Known Member
Yea, looking awesome man keep it up.

I cant wait to see these ladies start reaching up and stretch out. You should have tons of bud sites..

Also, looks like you have done a good job keeping your roots pretty separated and manageable.
Yeah I am spotting a lot of bud sites. They're really starting to grow fast now, especially the one on the left. I started paying more attention to keeping the roots fanned out after you mentioned it on whoever's thread that was.


Well-Known Member
hey new to this site have done a few soil projects currently on my third with good and bad results , but i was lookin into the AG system and was wondering over all how you liked the water distrubution and what your nutrient schedule was. or even advice for a new comer to aeroponics and or aerogarden :bigjoint:
Hey dude, welcome. Looks like Shack has already got you pointed in the right direction. I'm pretty satisfied with the AG, though I will be going full-blown aero for my next grow I think. My nutrient schedule can be found here, though what schedule you use will depend on what particular line of nutes you go with.


Well-Known Member
And alright, what is up with me not being able to do multi-quotes? Every time I try to respond to like more than 3 people RIU gets all weird and won't display the shit right. Frustrated...


Well-Known Member
just quote the people, then copy and paste the code, thats what i do, so its all in one post


Well-Known Member
Say what you want about the stem rot. Both look like very vigorous growers. Keep an eye on them and treat the stem rot best you can. I've pulled my plants through some TRAGIC situations. Its amazing how plants can repair themselves, especially when given a helping hand!


Well-Known Member
Say what you want about the stem rot. Both look like very vigorous growers. Keep an eye on them and treat the stem rot best you can. I've pulled my plants through some TRAGIC situations. Its amazing how plants can repair themselves, especially when given a helping hand!
Yeah I remember when I first spotted the stem rot I thought the plant was a goner for sure, but then I treated it and it made a comeback. Resilient little things.


Well-Known Member
OK, so the plant on the left is growing like crazy, and the one on the right... seems to be staying the same :( . I'm worried that the stem rot might be stunting its growth, or killing it outright. You can see how the growth rate compares between the two plants by looking at this picture from 2 days ago...

and this one from today...

I guess theres not much else I can do but ride it out though, eh? Also, at the rate the one plant is growing, I am going to have to raise the hood lights again very soon, which will put the light even further away from the shorter plant. And that sucks.