My Super Grow Room


Active Member
Looks good snoop,
So how many plants do you have total in all stages of growing. Like how many are in flower, how many in veg, and how many in the cloner? Are you going to make this into a nice perpetual harvest?

Your setup is extremely advanced, the only way i can see you improving upon this is to add some sort of reflectors for those lights, and maybe using MH lights for the veg cycle. What are your thoughts on MH, it seems to me, running MH then HPS creates the best bud density as well as producing the maximum amount of resin.

Great grow man, keep up the excellent work.


Well-Known Member
2 plants so far are in pre flower..... i will be doing 60 plants in all once i start clonnin ... none of my plants have been put into flower there all in veg .... i dont need mg bulbs as im useing new dual spectrum hps bulbs witch produce 3000 more lumens then standard 600watt bulbs

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Awesome, it looks really good! How is/will the 60 plants be split up? ie 15 clones, 15 veg, 30 in 2-staged flowering?


Well-Known Member
i can have 60 to 62 big plants in flower usein x16 11litre pots....16litre bubble pot...45 16 litre ebb pots ... and upto 120 small plants in veg in my aeroponic cloner

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
WOW 60 flowering!!! If you filled it to max you only gotta get 2oz of each plant to be looking at potentially 24K where I come from. Fuck man, thats like carazie shit load of smoke.


Well-Known Member
lol it will be more then 2oz a plant im usein hydro .... im lookin from 3 to 5 oz a plant ... plus the lumens i got in my room is over wot i need with the c02 .... so hopfuilly it all goes to plan .... i cant beleive sum the plants are in pre flower already

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
im sure with that set-up you'll achieve that, thats mental. Up to a grand a plant, 60 of them! I think id only try that kinda level on a deserted island. Your ferrari's value is growing, big time! Nicely invested. :peace: :joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
lol 60 g per crop ? dam thats over quarter million a year = about 700 pound a day lol thats crazy... i will be doin sum picture updates later so everyone can see the progress ... my kush has just germinated so i cant wait to see them growin

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
yeah thats some arsenal you have there. If I could buy bonds that would accrue 700 quid a day, Id buy the bloody things. Looking forward to pics. Any wideshots of the whole set-up including lights all-in?

Stay safe, :joint: puff pufff >>>>>>>> pass


Well-Known Member
I dunno, I really dont see you getting more then 10 pounds per grow.... but stil 10 pounds every 8-10 weeks is well.... exceptional.

Very nice set up


Well-Known Member
heres a update on my progress to show u everything i do from week to week

Grow Statisics
Ec 1.7
ph 5.7
temp 80c
c02 1500 ppms

i havent added nothing or changed anything in the setup.... i did germinate sum kush seeds tho:mrgreen: so i cant wait to get them growin with the others ... also mylast icecream plant has finaly recovered from the yellow leaf ... the other 4 icecreams died because of the yellow leaf so im glad to finaly pull through it.. also my white berry is comming along nicely and will be ready to join the main plants soon .. please check out the pictures for visual info .... also dr jones i did them pictures u requested my rooms looking a lil messy since i got bundles of new stuff i aint opened yet



Well-Known Member
yeah i got more then enough air circulation ...i will stop feedin my plants so much as there looking a lil droopy .... so instead of feedin them 4 times a day im just going to feed them twice for 45 minute floods to see if that will perk my plants up ... as x 4 45 min floods was probs to much for them to handle ...... and wot did u mean did dude get busted ?