My Super Grow Room


Well-Known Member
Snoop.......... Tie those big ones over to your empty NFT table and fill in a bunch of that area and make use of that space and widen your canopy. You can manipulate the shit out of those plants and cover a bunh of the open space you have and it will help with your height issues. I see you have heat stress up top on those leaves curling. Your plants will love you for getting them away from the light a little bit


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice local .... i will do that shit later when the lights are on ... sounds like a good idea as i dident kno wot to do lol
this is my first crop beleive it or not... so im going to make alot of errors but hopefully with everyones help i wont make to many


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Nice looking forest you have going there. Do I see some yellowing or just the pics? They look great though Snoopy, keep it up. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
nice man, are those ones under that LED a lil stretched? kinda some distance between them nodes, other than that it looks great!


Well-Known Member
nah they aint yellow its the pics chi .... also the led only got added before i took the pics as the plant in that section wasent gettin enough light


Well-Known Member
wow man greAT job lookin outstanding now are u gonna lollipop those ladies and get one main cole on each to thin out the canopy a little? keep up the good work almost there hope u get like 10 pounds dry of dank;-)


Well-Known Member
i dont kno wot the lollipop method is ... if u can help me then i might try it .... and hopefully i do get alot of dank :P thanks for all the comments


Well-Known Member
well ideal time to lollipop is 1-3 weeks of flowering u just remove the lower growth from bottom 1/3 of plant so plant concentrates all energy on one main growth and gets more light for all plants and gets rid of little useless popcorn sure if u google or u tube lollipop u will find all kinds of shit im not real computer savy sorry good luck


Well-Known Member
BE PROUD ,BE VERY PROUD!!! Bro you got the shit!! keep it up and we will be smokin some dank soon bro as I am in the same boat as you ! A few more weeks,hahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
i kno i cant wait to see the bud get proper dank ..but hopefully i wont be waitin to long .. im usein a ebb system with 16 litre pots ... im usein x2 125 x2 250 cfls as side lights


Well-Known Member
Heres a nice update on my progress
General grow information
day 14 of flower ... tied down all the bigger plants to 5ft and ultilized the space better .. also i moved 2 clones into flower
Ec 1.6 to 1.8
ph 5.8
Tempreture 79f lowered the temp for flowerin

i gotta give a thanks to local for hes advice .... its helped my bigger plants alot ... also im usein a new toy to stop the plants gettin any higher .. as sum started showin signs of heat stress and yellowin of the leafs



Well-Known Member
Mass manipulation snoop. You are in control, so make those branches go where you want.... Cut the shit out down low that is getting no light. I do realize you have side lighting, but you know if it is deep and getting no light, it's a waste of energy... And remember, this is your first time driving your finally constructed grow machine. When you have your clones and strains dialed, your timing locked, and your plant likes and dislikes down to a t.... This room is going to be a supple supplier of fine kind....


Well-Known Member
Hey Snoop, I was wondering, are you using any Halides during your flower... I can't remember if you said you were going to in your post. Read that a long time ago... Anyway, if it's about quality and not quantity, you should run 1 halide for every two HPS, maybe halides on light rails going over your main canopies... The UV light in the halide spectrum causes the flowers to protect themselves from the light by aditional resin production... Danker bud, but a little less yield..... It is THE SUPER SNOOP GROW ROOM.... ANd we all know, it's only the best in snoops house


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice local :leaf:..... im not shore i wana start trimmin off lower buds yet i wana see how the plants do on a full cycle :weed:... theres alot i still gotta learn
and how i can fine tune it make it work in my grow room:wall: ... i dont use halides i use a new form of dual spectrum hps bulbs for veg aswell as havin a aeroponic veg tent ...... u will see them on earlier pages..... then for flower i use phillip sun t bulbs ... i dont kno if i want danker bud ... or more yield yet :confused:.... as i still havent had my first crop:( so this is sort of like the test run before the nucular bomb gets launched:bigjoint:as im only doing 25 to 27 plants ... i can do upto 64 on my next cycle i vegged for way to long on this first run .....

thanks for the msg chi hopefuly my ladys can produce sum outstandin yields