My Super Grow Room


Active Member
i took all my fan leaves off and they took off and went crazy but i heard its bad but it worked me but ya man mine are starting to yellow and im completely organic its a natural process that plants go through some are green till the end and some arent but as stoney said or local i dont remember which one said it the plants should be dead by now in nature so its natural


Well-Known Member
that was me and I totally sayd the same thing ,good info !!!:leaf:

i took all my fan leaves off and they took off and went crazy but i heard its bad but it worked me but ya man mine are starting to yellow and im completely organic its a natural process that plants go through some are green till the end and some arent but as stoney said or local i dont remember which one said it the plants should be dead by now in nature so its natural

I use Ona liquid and it works really well as long as you renew it every other week. I made an ona bucket from the grow faqs, good thing for cheap !!!!

nice set=up, and good luck. Just curious, what was that ona breeze i saw in on of your pics? And how does it work? I have found and use ona gel, love it and use it all over my house even.


Well-Known Member
the ona breeze is a ona fan that gos on top of the tubs of gel ... its a lil pricey like 200 dollars ... but spreads the ona smell upto 80 m2 so it can mask a large area ... i bought it for when i chop down the plants ... so the smell wont be all around the apartment ... also i got 3 easy breaths .... that purifi the air while addin a sent to it


Active Member
ya buddy does that ona thing really work stoney or what i haev aghetto setup in an appt that is my tv stand covered up with blankets in my extra bedroom the whole house smells like bud????


Well-Known Member
yeah it totaly works .... just a lil pricey if u do the big tubs .... if i was u i would buy one of these new air purifier fans ... that have got built in carbon filter .... it looks like a normal fan but purfis the air from odur and smell .... can get them for about 99 dollars


Active Member
yah prob takes min. of 1-2 hrs. before the body high hits you. Nothing compared to smokin a blunt.haha but yah i had a 215 which allowed me to consume marajuana in the stste of CALIFORNIA for having A.D.D. NICE! but all my canna dis. got shut down for unaccounted pounds and drugs.haha so much for going legit. The gov.s a MOB and if the mob gits their cut, then their happy no questions asked. Give the gov. 150 for a app. to go git your 215 and you can grow your medicne. But check your state laws, cuz state law says i can grow up to five plants and distribute to clubs, but on the federal level, the crooks you call gov. want their cut so if they feel you are makeing too much money they will come and steel your crop, arrest you if your not following the state rules, so BE CAREFUL.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
yah prob takes min. of 1-2 hrs. before the body high hits you. Nothing compared to smokin a blunt.haha but yah i had a 215 which allowed me to consume marajuana in the stste of CALIFORNIA for having A.D.D. NICE! but all my canna dis. got shut down for unaccounted pounds and drugs.haha so much for going legit. The gov.s a MOB and if the mob gits their cut, then their happy no questions asked. Give the gov. 150 for a app. to go git your 215 and you can grow your medicne. But check your state laws, cuz state law says i can grow up to five plants and distribute to clubs, but on the federal level, the crooks you call gov. want their cut so if they feel you are makeing too much money they will come and steel your crop, arrest you if your not following the state rules, so BE CAREFUL.

if you need new clubs, go to


Well-Known Member
I made mine and it cost me about $40 for a small fan, 5 gallon bucket, soil moist and a bottle of ona liquid. works pretty well but it isn't perfect.

ya buddy does that ona thing really work stoney or what i haev aghetto setup in an appt that is my tv stand covered up with blankets in my extra bedroom the whole house smells like bud????



Well-Known Member
mines kind of like that stoney but it blows air out the sides in a 360 degress ..... .... good cheap smart way of doin it tho ..... i aint checked the video link yet cloest .. my browser is being a homo :(

Tee Party

Active Member
Great job Snoop 621 keep the Faith and keep up the good work very insperational thanks for letting me see the pictures i luv the smoke. I have faith for ur White Russians.