its been 72 hours since my last picture update ... so i thought i would upload sum more pictures as i made a discovery

...... as my feminised big bud wasent germinatin i decided to open another packet of feminised and normal big bud .... the feminised again dident germinate so i added another 10 normal bigbud .. the 20 normal big bud have germinated ..... not one of the feminised bigbud out of 20 seeds has germinated within 14 days and there all from the same company ... so this leads me to beleive that the company has got sum proberlms with there female seeds ..... since my last crop turned out hermie usein the same feminised seeds ...

do not buy feminised seeds from doggysnuts seed bank aka pucca seeds ...
i paid 300 dollars each pack and they havent even germinated

.... all there normal seeds seem perfect