My Super Grow Room

mr west

Well-Known Member
I know its been a bloody long time, didnt think it was that long tho lol. The fear gets to ya I would imagine with an op as big as this lol.


Well-Known Member
WoW crazy set up. Not sure if that Op is actually that effective. From the initial cost and power cost its probably a money eater. But the longer you do it the less every costs.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I still never got my bunk bed hammock to put up in this grow room yet snoop promised me a spot under his icecream lol
just read thru this whole thread, I like the set up as I am about to do a 6x600w flower room with about 60 to 80 kids sog and have been debating ebb n flo or just going soil ... any pros and con out there ?? or anyone one that has simular flower room that wants to give me some of there trials and errors. also I was going to go with co2 tanks but the more I read on RIU generator is the way for this scale grow?


Active Member
This is my Grow room

im runnin x5 600watt super novas with there own air intake..ive got a c02 annalyzer that monitors the air with a infared sensor
( the blueball in the pics) that adds co2 to the air when levels drop below 1500ppms.... also i got two temp controls one is connected to the co2 ... so that while dosin all air outlets get turned off ... so the plants can get optium c02 uptake ....the other tempt control is connected to the air intake so it can keep the temp to my desired level also connected to this is a lil fan heater so if the levels drop to low it can heat up the room .... this comes in handy in winter so i never have to worry ... ive got 2 carbon filters with fans .... one big air intake ..... my growin system is a ebb 50 pot hydroponic setup ... with a growin medium of clay pebals connected to a 300 litre water butt ....inside the water butt i have got a air pump and nutriant tank heater to keep my nutraints to my desired temp ... i have even seperated a corner for my veg and clone room ... in this i have got a 120 site aeroponic propegator with a mini heated propegator for germinatin .... the nutraints i use are cannadian xpress professonal ... there the only 6part nutriants on the market a lil bit of hardwork but worth it .... i also use a ec meter and ph stick so i never add to many salts to my water .... also i have got 3 fan controlers so it keeps the fans runnin as quite as possible...

this set up cost me 6500 pound thats 13 000 usa dollars ... ive always wanted to grow my own vegstables so when i got the money i bought the farrari of all set ups hope u like it

ouch man that one of the nicest set up ive seen so far
u from the uk innit
where about

farmer bill

wow this is the baddest star trek setup ive seen in my life. something straight outta the future. your the fuckin man snoop.

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
Damn son this is some crazy shit!! Also see you got some doggies nuts seeds. Could you put up a separate thread reviewing them as they grow? Apparently nobody's grown any doggies nuts with such a crazy price tag on em. Just sayin. +rep.
13,000 Us dollars is to much for that setup. you should be able to grow twenty plants per a 1k dollars in batch, sea of green method. just a heads up your killing your plants in money not love.