My three known females are flourishing, they couldn't be healthier! Growing 1.5 inches a day, very bushy and very lush. The 1 unknown sex still hasn't show any signs of sex, and its been like 12 days since I switched to flowering.
Early on I had a lot of problems with my plants drooping. I suspected over watering, then I suspected under watering, but after making changes to watering cycles, there wasn't much difference, still droopy most days.
The change came when I switched to flowering. On the same day I switched to flowering, I changed my nutrient solution to a flowering solution, and it was a different brand. The day after that, my plants looked incredibly healthy and have ever since!
The brand of nutrients I was using during veg was "THC", and the new brand im using for flowering is called "Canna Flores". I don't think I will use "THC" again.
Im pretty sure that this "Canna Flores" stuff is what has made the big difference. It seems now I can't do anything wrong, every day they look perfect! Nice straight leaves, no droop, and a growth rate of 1.5 inches a day. I'll post some pics tonight when the lights come on.