My take on psychedelics


Well-Known Member
One of the most valuable substances to society is that which breaks the chains on human thinking. To reach a primal level that is unattainable in our current busy lives. We have been conditioned by the busy lifestyles that it takes *to make it* in todays world. We flood our brain with music, sounds of cars, gossip, *knowledge*, etc...

We were designed to register everything we hear, store it, and keep it subliminally tucked until we have gained enough experience to make that data relevant. In nature, that is what has made us the apex. In today's society, its what has made many the lemmings of the system.

I first experimented with shrooms. I was 18 and had just graduated. I was with 5 of my best friends. It was the first time I had truly had my own *take on life*. I realised how many useless things I held at such high regard. It was the first time I realised people really are just bolts in the machine. I had been conditioned to think nice clothes, expensive cars, hot chicks and money was the meaning of happiness.

I had the rare opportunity to reflect on myself. Seeing all my flaws and attributes. Clear direction of exactly what I wanted in life. Clarity, for the first time since i was an infant. Of everything I envisioned wanting, none of it was material. Knowledge, experience, failure, success. It was the first time i had experienced enlightenment.

With my trip came a lot of horseplay and fun, but the couple hours I spent watching the sun rise across the horizon sittingin silence in reflection was more valuable than anything I could have learned from school. It was a fantastic stamp on the juvenile chapters of my life.

A couple years passed, and I would occasionally eat some mushies, and while I would trip, have useful reflection, and seem to come out more grounded; it would never be the earth shattering snap of the chains that was the first.

A friend of mine in college happened upon some LSD. He himself had tried it once but from his experience it was mediocre at best (in hindsight). What he also learned was that it was not a single dose but a vial. Partial maybe I dont know, I was young and had zero experience so didn't bother to take note. Anyway. He was worried about having a lot so he would give it away. A few people that got it were well versed in the subject. Soon the vial Wa near empty and charity stopped. Once people couldn't get ot they asks if they could buy it. Not for sale. The few people that had experience with it kept bugging. Asking if they could buy a 2 hits for 40. No. 60. No. 80...? Something Was up. These were 50-60 year old hippies on our nuts who new 100 times more people than us. (20 years old).

We decided to take the ride and see what the fuss was about.With only about 6 hits left we each put two on our sugar cubes. Down the hatch. I felt smooth, warm, electric within 5 minutes. Within 10 minutes my body felt like a million tiny Koreans were massaging every muscle in my body. After that I noticed how vivid colors were.... and that's when I started coming up. I remember some kids stopped bythat I ddidn't know to visit my friend. We were passing around the bong and let them know we had just dosed. Eyeballs were sinking down the chin of the man sitting across from me. I looked away then back and he had returned solid. His features and mannerisms were so apparent I could see right through him. That went for all of them. Confidence expressed wider bodies and dramatized bone structure, uneasiness and insecurities were sitting in others laps. Thats when the visuals returned, but blinking did nothing. Heads started expanding, morphing.. the larger Hispanic kid had turned into only what I couod describe as a human embodiment of donkey Kong from Nintendo.

I could see my friend was experiencing something similar, so I explained I was looking my shit and everyone would have to leave. My friend thanked me. Every 20 minutes or so I remember plateaus that would allow me to think *this is as high as a human could possibly be* Only to have that measure toppl toppled exponentially the next time I reflected.This lasted about 12 hours. Hour 12-16 I spent standing under a clear star lit sky. Closing my eyes did nothing to prevent me from seeing the crisp clear star lit sky. I believe I fell asleep and was lucid during this time, as it was the only part of my trip that time was not standing still. 4 hours in what I wouod guess to be 15 minutes. I stood silent,not a single thought running through my brain. A rainbow jolt streamed through the powerlines above me and i was out of body. No innervoice wondering, philosophising, rambling, just absolute serenity. There was no wonder, only knowing. I drifted through space absent a vessel. Rummaging through every experience id had, lesson id learned, assimilating and filling gaps to answer my own question before I realised I had them. It was bliss.

I had picks up guitar about a year previous, but hadn't plays for a week or so because I broke my g string (hehe no puns). It was the wee hours of the morning and the sun had just started up. I grabbed the guitar, sat on my porch and began to strum. What happened next was truly amazing and is one of the main premises of the piece. It was like 7th grade algebra, then calculus, when something just *clicks*.

I began working the neck, bending strings and hammering notes. It was the blues and as I sat rocking my body side to side I became the metronome. I quickly grabbed my laptop that used to record somethings and continued strumming. Lost for another 3 hours, the callous' on my fingers wearing off. I decided I wouod try to sleep.

I slept, or dreamt, or tripped for 6-7 hours. My buddy waking snapped me coherent and I went to see what was up. We were still at it. Creeping up on 24 hours we wouod experience waves of clarity followed by another spell of visuals and rapid thought. I relished it as it slowly faded. Playing guitar, watching bugs. We started putting heady nugs in my bong and burning them from the bottom up, pushing the 4" nugs down as to keep the cherry lit. Im guessing this amounted to upwards of an ounce being smoked in an hour or two. We were pretty taxed so we went to bed early. I had some fantastic Clydescope visuals while I fell asleep. We got up about noon the next day. Feeling very spacey but having a solid couple hours of clarity before the brain block set in. We waited until we thought we were kosher and drove to a restaurant. The waitress came 4 times to ask if we were ready. No train of thought left... all fucks given previously. The letters of the menus started to sink down the page as the waitress returned again. I asked whereon the menu the burgers were, and she showed me the section. Letters scrambling i randomly pressed my finger to the menu. "Ill have this".... as my friend proclaims "yea me too"

She leaves and we both confirm our trip is still a little more present than previously thought we ate our food and zombies around the rest of the day. Took another 24 hours to feel pretty normal.

The only possible regret I have, is not waiting just a few years to get that first high, have a little more knowledge to throw into the rabbit hole.

This is not a party drug or something you should do just to *have fun*. If used correctly at the right time, a first time experience can bring enlightenment and priceless insight
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I would also recommend taking a larger dose your very first time. I had a lil more than 8th of mush and what we realised later is that 1 dose of that Lucy was equivalent to about 5 of normal grade
Not LSD.
You're not tripping more than 16 hours on even the highest doses..maybe coming down ect,but you're describing 36hours of tripping from the sounds of it..
Not doubting you tripped,but without a redose,I'm doubting a 24-36 hr trip on 2 hits of LSD...
Glad you had fun tho!!
I can not recall anything more than sixteen hours even on the largest single dose. I never ever redosed after the first several hours.

I concur with rory, given your experience, it is unlikely to have been lsd, you did smoke lots of pot, that, i suppose could have extended the effects.

I wouldnt know, being a purist.
One more thing.

Lsd can be a party drug. I give it ultimate respect, as i would a slumbering tiger. But the tiger is perfectly willing to play with you all night and bundle your right thinking friends along for the ride.

I do not hold that substance in reverence however. Mushrooms and dmt are due that sort of care, live, and awe.

Mushrooms are a cobra that never sleeps. Tread always lightly as anyone who has been bitten will quickly tell you.
Yet another thing. The notion that hallucinogens are beneficial to society.

Not to western culture. They are highly detrimental to this culture. I highly suspect this is known and is the real reason they arr illegal.

If the veil of consumerim, the artificial inducement of need and desire is parted, this culture we live in collapses.
Not LSD.
You're not tripping more than 16 hours on even the highest doses..maybe coming down ect,but you're describing 36hours of tripping from the sounds of it..
Not doubting you tripped,but without a redose,I'm doubting a 24-36 hr trip on 2 hits of LSD...
Glad you had fun tho!!

Was only peaking for about 17 hours but the come down was very gradual and yes, the weed fed the flames. being my first time i was able to enjoy the experience until complete sobriety.

For reference I had taken a single dose straight to the tongue and it was a much much tamer trip. Or I just knew what to expect so the trip wasn't so foreign. 10 hours of a great time but nothing near the first.

I think back to smoking bud and feeling it for the first time, it was dramatically more impairing than the second time.

Same with mush.

From a few very reputable sources it was indeed LSD. My clean palette and low tolerance to substances is a definately variable.

I know you know your shit though, so not dismissing the possibility.

And I hold any natural psychedelics in high reverence, much higher than synthetic... but there I also think that used in moderation it could be more beneficial than to go to EDM shows and festivals on
Was only peaking for about 17 hours but the come down was very gradual and yes, the weed fed the flames. being my first time i was able to enjoy the experience until complete sobriety.

For reference I had taken a single dose straight to the tongue and it was a much much tamer trip. Or I just knew what to expect so the trip wasn't so foreign. 10 hours of a great time but nothing near the first.

I think back to smoking bud and feeling it for the first time, it was dramatically more impairing than the second time.

Same with mush.

From a few very reputable sources it was indeed LSD. My clean palette and low tolerance to substances is a definately variable.

I know you know your shit though, so not dismissing the possibility.

And I hold any natural psychedelics in high reverence, much higher than synthetic... but there I also think that used in moderation it could be more beneficial than to go to EDM shows and festivals on
Not that its a 'I'm right' aspect,I'd like to see a test..a17 hr peak will leaves 2 hrs coming up and tons coming down,I'm deducing 24 hrs..s suspect.
Oh,and 16hrs is for test subjects who were straight laced,as well as pure stoners...
Ive STAYED UP for @24-36Hrs on and after an acid trip,just cause of residual energy,or things to do,or just to waste away the day all crispy..but no 17hr peak..6-10 tops!!
I've def schnacked all weekend and "extended" the trip,but I've found unless you have either a lot of acid,or balls,or both,a full on repeat trip is not happening,more a lengthening,slight intensifying of the current state you're in when you redose..
Hope its good ass L that's keeping ya happy tho...
Oowwww boy. I'm dosing for the first time in 6 months tommorow. And I am excited. And that trip sounds like nbomes to me kinda. I used to have a sheet of what I thought was Lucy. Longgggg lasting trip I remember clearly doseing at 5 pm and still be full visuals at noon the next day. I had a talk with a older friend who informed me my shit was probable fake. Then I got myself a test kit!! Never looked back
Not that its a 'I'm right' aspect,I'd like to see a test..a17 hr peak will leaves 2 hrs coming up and tons coming down,I'm deducing 24 hrs..s suspect.
Oh,and 16hrs is for test subjects who were straight laced,as well as pure stoners...
Ive STAYED UP for @24-36Hrs on and after an acid trip,just cause of residual energy,or things to do,or just to waste away the day all crispy..but no 17hr peak..6-10 tops!!
I've def schnacked all weekend and "extended" the trip,but I've found unless you have either a lot of acid,or balls,or both,a full on repeat trip is not happening,more a lengthening,slight intensifying of the current state you're in when you redose..
Hope its good ass L that's keeping ya happy tho...

I used the same stuff 3 times, everything after the initial was much shorter in duration. Has felt like any other Lucy ive tried, just a lot more crisp.

If it wasn't LSD id be really interested in what it was.
I used the same stuff 3 times, everything after the initial was much shorter in duration. Has felt like any other Lucy ive tried, just a lot more crisp.

If it wasn't LSD id be really interested in what it was.
Could be all sorts of stuff..some things are remarkably like LSD.I've tried a few nbomes...crazy stuff..not saying u have nbome,and you're pretty sure of what you have..but I can tell ya the mimics are real good..but if you're a Lucy fan you can somehow tell..there's no sparkle..:-)
Could be all sorts of stuff..some things are remarkably like LSD.I've tried a few nbomes...crazy stuff..not saying u have nbome,and you're pretty sure of what you have..but I can tell ya the mimics are real good..but if you're a Lucy fan you can somehow tell..there's no sparkle..:-)

Hahaha, I do believe I experienced the sparkle!

What is nbomes?
Hahaha, I do believe I experienced the sparkle!

What is nbomes?
Its a class of phenylethalimines(sic) that effect the same receptors as LSD,MDMA,2cb..or a mixture..they are milligram dose substances and are usually put on blotter papdr ,looks just like acid,and is often sold as acid.the markup is nuts..$40 a gram and you have 5000 hits to sell..its awful,and deadly..the ld50 of acid is like 7raw grams.. Nbomes start at 7mg!

Be safe.
Ah yes, I have tried 2cb. Visuals and whatnot, but nothing like the mental rabbit hole that is LSD. (Or what I think is LSD lol)
I dont dabble anymore. If I did I would be using recent technology to verify.

I have adopted a natural trip only stance. Cactus, mush etc.
Oowwww boy. I'm dosing for the first time in 6 months tommorow. And I am excited. And that trip sounds like nbomes to me kinda. I used to have a sheet of what I thought was Lucy. Longgggg lasting trip I remember clearly doseing at 5 pm and still be full visuals at noon the next day. I had a talk with a older friend who informed me my shit was probable fake. Then I got myself a test kit!! Never looked back
Yeah I was going to order acid off the darknet but then I heard about the knock offs talking people have died from 1 hit now I'm like fuck that I'm testing anything I buy I want to take at least 3 hits of acid myself and I'm probably going to freak out if I don't test it. lol I love shrooms but I'm more thinking of trying that DMT drink sounds better. :bigjoint:
Yeah I was going to order acid off the darknet but then I heard about the knock offs talking people have died from 1 hit now I'm like fuck that I'm testing anything I buy I want to take at least 3 hits of acid myself and I'm probably going to freak out if I don't test it. lol I love shrooms but I'm more thinking of trying that DMT drink sounds better. :bigjoint:
Kits are 15$..
Funerals,$15k..I've said this many times...