My tap water for cloning is too high


Well-Known Member
I tested my water and the ph level is 8.5. Now i can ph down that to 5.5 but ph down will only hold that ph for up to 2 days then it will rise back to its original ph. Will that be a problem?
I tested my water and the ph level is 8.5. Now i can ph down that to 5.5 but ph down will only hold that ph for up to 2 days then it will rise back to its original ph. Will that be a problem?
It is if you are using the same water for more than two days and you don't want to balance the ph more than once.
It is if you are using the same water for more than two days and you don't want to balance the ph more than once.

Im using it to soak the rockwhool cubes. My question is after 3 days when the ph down wears off. It will go back to 8.5 and possible affect the cloning
Im using it to soak the rockwhool cubes. My question is after 3 days when the ph down wears off. It will go back to 8.5 and possible affect the cloning
You're asking if the ph will raise while in the rockwool holding the clones? That's actually a good question that I've never considered. I imagine you'll be okay, and probably need to water them within that amount of time anyway. You could just give them a little at a time with freshly balanced water. That seems unnecessary though. I think a PH slide is more of a concern for a reservoir, not so much once it's in the medium.
Wait, it's not going to matter. Your clones or seeds aren't going to care. You're just keeping them wet for now. Once they root you'll be feeding them a lot more, and it won't matter.
How you adjust unrooted clones in cubes.dipp them daily? I think im just gonna buy water and not mess with the tap.

What’s the ppm or EC of your source water.

pH 8.5 nothing drastic but if your ppm is LOW then there will be very little mineral content and probably not much in the way of a buffer to keep pH stable.

if your ppm/EC is really LOW then add some nutrients to it (base nutes) to raise ppm/EC to around 0.4EC/200ppm.5scale/280ppm.7scale.

this will also help to stabilise the pH.
It doesn't matter what the ph is when you're just trying to root a clone / pop a seed. It just needs water. Once they start to develop roots or true leaves then you'll need to worry about that. At that point nutes will help stabilize the ph.