My technique to NOT overwater plants [pic]


Well-Known Member
Seems risky though because the hydrotron pellets will be straight water and a medium the roots cannot use. Meaning it will be fertilized water with soil fertilizers and could burn the roots that try to grow in it. Seems like a good idea for air, but I don't see it helping much when it comes to over watering.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think this idea sounds great, but the soil area will retain more water than the hydroton/perilite area.
So, the hydroton/perilite area may not hold enough water to bridge the gap between the two soil layers. I don't know that your roots would be able to grow thru the hydroton/perilite layer because it will be much drier than the soil.

But keep up the good work!
:hump::hump::hump:bingo......the uneven moisture content in the different medium pockets can cause irregular root growth and stiffle your plants growth. when your root mass gets bigger and starts to fill every inch of that pot the root mass in the hydroton will will need more watering than the root mass in the soil causing more under and overwatering problems. your best bet is to get back to basics, start out right and learn how to water properly before experimenting with new techniques. its kinda like driving a car and not knowing how to put gas in it. your not going to get very far


Active Member
Been watering the crap out of my flowering ladies and only after a week of every day serious watering they got stressed a bit with leaves curling down. This works.