You are waisting your time and energy bro. Heat degrades THC. Even if the plant flowers it will not be very good at all.
hahhahhahhhahaha. sorry. hahhahhhahahaha.

You are waisting your time and energy bro. Heat degrades THC. Even if the plant flowers it will not be very good at all.
Yeah right buddie.........You are waisting your time and energy bro. Heat degrades THC. Even if the plant flowers it will not be very good at all.
plants grow naturally in nature, they dont need suplemented co2 in the heat. for the plant not to die because of heat stress outside it simply needs alot of water and to be adapted to the climate.
why can it be 120 outside and plants thrive but not in the grow room...? i have no fukn clue.....
free air exchange...cools the plans down, the leaves are constantly losing moisture to the heat, this evaporation cools it down, as long as you can replace the moisture fast enough they can handle it.
fukn genuis. simply makes's hard to replicate that inside because the evaporation at high temps makes a lot of humidity in a small enclosed space, most ventalation systems can't keep up with a room full of highly resperating plants, and if it gets humid, evaporation stops, and the plant can't cool down.