My Thoughts on Trump and the Future of 'Merica

Bad news: If Trump is elected, America will immediately be in four or five more wars.
Good News: only one will be real (to create more veterans). The others will be remote places where pallet loads of cash can be split up.

So I have said this from day one.

I believe it's all staged. I think Trump and Hillary are secretly working together. To secure 100% certainly that Hillary wins. I have a feeling that Trump will just say some racist ass shit about blacks or something that will make people change their minds and vote Hillary..

I mean look at their history, Trump being an ex democrat..

Maybe people forget about the Clinton scandals but yeah they happened.

But hey to each their own..
So I have said this from day one.

I believe it's all staged. I think Trump and Hillary are secretly working together. To secure 100% certainly that Hillary wins. I have a feeling that Trump will just say some racist ass shit about blacks or something that will make people change their minds and vote Hillary..

I mean look at their history, Trump being an ex democrat..

Maybe people forget about the Clinton scandals but yeah they happened.

But hey to each their own..
My wife thinks the same thing. She thinks he is working with Hillary to really take out the Republican establishment. To tell you the truth, its not too far fetched.