MY thread, MY fucking rant


New Member
I'm sick of bullshit and ignorance. I'm sick of this country. I'm sick of everybody pretending their happy when the majority of our lives are boring, mundane and predictable and so many people are sedated on antidepressants.

I'm sick of people thinking corporations or gov't REALLY have interest in your welfare. the fact of the matter is obvious, it's in the name. GOVERN=to control, MENt=establishment.

And while we're on the subject of dellusion, I'm sick of brainwashed people using religion as a is nice, but shouldn't it be sensible? you mean to tell me that peter rabbit is a fairytale, but a VIRGIN mary giving birth to jesus, our "lord and savior" isn't? i could go on, but christianity is the worst. People are constrained and controlled by it- just look @ the 10 commandments

I'm sick of people's ideas and thoughts being marginalized by strong, suggestive influence. subtleeee influence.

I'm sick of people thinking there's a PILL to cure EVERY ailment in this country...AND i'm sick of people thinking wholistic health is a mere BELIEF.

I'm sick of people PRAYING, WISHING and HOPING for shit to happen...wouldn't it help more to be a rational human being and do things to INCREASE your odds of something happening?

I'm sick of seeing highschool kids in my town driving cars, bought by their parents. their pride, values and sense of character dimished cuz everything is handed to them

i'm sick of seein people "hope for change" by "walking for cancer" ...when they expose themselves, through their ignorance or disbelief, to birth control pills, chemical-laiden soaps, shampoos, deodorants, etc.

I'm sick of "environmentalists" being proclaimed "selfish" because they're "in it for self-interest". WELL NO SHIt!!!! EVERYBODY takes care of themselves for self-interest. We're animals- self-interested, big deal, so what


this will become my own therapeutic rant-blog/thread

Jimmy Luffnan

Well-Known Member
... and now you know why all of these people go through life doing exactly what you despise.... because ignorance is bliss.

If you were ignorant to all these facts just like they are... you wouldn't be so troubled right now would you...?

But don't feel alone and crushed brother:hug:
You and I and many others feel the same pain whether we like it or not....

Peace man:peace:
this is an excellent thread and on top of it all... THE TRUTH! if people read this thread i think u would get alot of response and feedback... u should come up with a more clever topic title though!


Well-Known Member
You sound bitter as fuck. If you stopped complaining so much you might find some type of happiness. It's funny though you condone selfish interests by corporations, but not people wanting to pray to a certain god, or those who wish to walk for a cause. Everyone finds happiness, or contentment in something...who are you to judge?


I just hate the human race... I'm a misanthrope.

I'd love to see another species kill in mass, genocide like, numbers. I'd love to see another species actually lose their basic skills of survival and turned into lazy fucks like the ongoing years of the human race. I'm absolutely disgusted in my own species, and show it. Another person is just another body in my eyes, fuck you.

Down with this shithole of hope called the USA, fuck the third world countries, fuck you if you don't have a job. I hate us, thank you.

But I happily hate everyone, so I'm not a negative-nancy 24/7. =]


Well-Known Member
Hey thats life u just have 2 see past all that bullshit and never let it interfer with your life and happiness peace



Well-Known Member
Rant on brother budsmoker!! :hump:

Just don't let this shit get to you. It's ok if people want to pray tho...let em. It's their dime. Let them think that god will help them get thru the rough times. It's the sheep mentality.....most people are followers in nature.

You said the 10 commandments were "constraining" or "controlling". I am not religious but I will have to disagree with you on this point. Like I said above, most people are followers. They have the need for a set of rules which control their choices in life. To me the commandments are a set of ideals to follow for a morality purpose. If you can follow the basic premise of morality you can lead a great life without being one of the sheeple. Their is no need for religion at all.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." That's all there is to it folks. If we all followed this simple rule wouldn't it make life so much easier for all of us? Think about it for a few minutes. It simplicity in it's finest form.

But goverment and religion all barge into our lives and try to tell us what is right and wrong. They are the two things in our lives that have caused the most wars since man learned to be somewhat civilized. Screw them both...they are not needed. Toss them aside and take off the sheeps clothing. Treat people the way you want to be treated by them. It's that fucking simple.

Wasn't that easy?

Now go fuck yourselves :hump::shock::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
actually i was PISSED the other night. half my harvest was dried and weighed and it sucked. the product was A+, the yield was B-. so i went to my buddy and YELLED at him for 10 mins about my failure. i need clones and have nowhere other than craigslist to get them. he has hella. so i yelled, and yelled, and yelled. he he finally let me sit down and take myself a tray of cuttings. i had to trim them and dip them myself, but i have 74 green crack clones now. :hump:

squeaky wheel. hehehehehehe


Well-Known Member
Haha ...this reminds me of that "You Wanna Know What Really Grinds My Gears" episode of Family Guy. :lol:
To the OP -- do you live in the US? If so, I'm sure there are plenty of other countries that you could live in that might piss you off a lot less.


Well-Known Member
I just hate the human race... I'm a misanthrope.

I'd love to see another species kill in mass, genocide like, numbers. I'd love to see another species actually lose their basic skills of survival and turned into lazy fucks like the ongoing years of the human race. I'm absolutely disgusted in my own species, and show it. Another person is just another body in my eyes, fuck you.

Down with this shithole of hope called the USA, fuck the third world countries, fuck you if you don't have a job. I hate us, thank you.

But I happily hate everyone, so I'm not a negative-nancy 24/7. =]
Is this not a contradictory statement?


Well-Known Member
By no means is life perfect. But you have to focus on the positives. You sit there and embrace the negative that's all that will follow you. Attitude is everything. Love what you do have, and shake off the perceived negatives in your life.