MY thread, MY fucking rant


Well-Known Member
... and now you know why all of these people go through life doing exactly what you despise.... because ignorance is bliss.

If you were ignorant to all these facts just like they are... you wouldn't be so troubled right now would you...?

But don't feel alone and crushed brother:hug:
You and I and many others feel the same pain whether we like it or not....

Peace man:peace:
i agree, but its not people cant see this sorta stuff.........its they dont want to. humans will believe anything if it gives them peace of mind. and false hope/belief. the world is a very unpredictable/unforgiving place and humans will try to make sense of it no matter what flying in the face of the truth. my advice.....find something to distract yourself from all this like they do....ignorance truly is bliss in this case.


Well-Known Member
as long as you don't act on those more extreme thoughts benassi then its all good
do you get out a lot? i only ask because i get the same way you are describing when i am in loner mode and i mostly get exposure through media rather than 1 on 1 human interaction. makes everything look fucked up. but if that's how it is, once you get out and find friends or people that are happy or smart or whatever, you may be surprised at how little you hate them. and if you can find people to be happy with then ou can mostly just say fuck the rest and stop being really hateful


Well-Known Member
wow, the community has all come out trying to help this guy out. shows ya the good side in people. the media wants you to think that the whole world is nothing but gloom and doom and monsters. humanity has its good side too


Well-Known Member
I find it repulsive how there are MORE AND MORE children in this country on drugs. And im not talking weed or other "heavy drugs", im talking perscriptions from doctors becuase the parents complain about how their children are hyperactive or "antzy". WTF! they are children! ..ITS YOUR FAULT THEY HAVE NO SELF CONTROL!!!

... In 20 years when all these children grow up, i can only imagine how f'd up the world (or atleast this country) will really be.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I hate how, after you've been with a guy a while,he thinks that all he needs to do is waggle his pecker at you to turn you on.Seriously?Is there some heretofore unmentioned posthypnotic suggestion that has been implanted in my brain that makes a flick of your meat the trigger for my inner nymphomaniac?
I hate it when you go and buy a meat bundle and they have to be told to separate the chicken breasts so they don't weld themselves together in a large, un-thawable clump of meat!
I hate people who don't even get out their checkbook at the grocery store until everything is in the cart and the total is rung up.
I hate running out of toilet paper.


Well-Known Member
I think the cavalier way anti-depressants are dispensed in this country is one of the sickest things in the universe. What people need... really... are friends. People they can talk their problems out with. Instead, they have expensive (and potentially harmful) pills shoved at them and are made to feel that if the pills don't work.. the problem lies with THEM and not the medicine...


Well-Known Member
I can't stand it when I use someone's bathroom and they have carpet on the toilet seat. What's the deal with that? Who looked at a carpet and though: "I want to poo or pee on that."?
I hate how it's illegal to park in a handicapped parking spot ...but it's perfectly legal to user their bathrooms!
And what's the deal with airplane food?
Thank you, goodnight!!!


I hate how, after you've been with a guy a while,he thinks that all he needs to do is waggle his pecker at you to turn you on.Seriously?Is there some heretofore unmentioned posthypnotic suggestion that has been implanted in my brain that makes a flick of your meat the trigger for my inner nymphomaniac?
I hate it when you go and buy a meat bundle and they have to be told to separate the chicken breasts so they don't weld themselves together in a large, un-thawable clump of meat!
I hate people who don't even get out their checkbook at the grocery store until everything is in the cart and the total is rung up.
I hate running out of toilet paper.
I hate always turning my chick on like it's the first time going down there and nothing gets wet for the past few months instead of how it used to get.
I hate it when I thaw my chicken perfectly first and a chick just tosses it in the pan.
I hate people who still use checks, god damnit we have plastic now and the last time someone you know got their identity stolen was the last time you heard Fox news talk about it (so you know it's important... pfff).
I hate Fox news.


Well-Known Member
I find it repulsive how there are MORE AND MORE children in this country on drugs. And im not talking weed or other "heavy drugs", im talking perscriptions from doctors becuase the parents complain about how their children are hyperactive or "antzy". WTF! they are children! ..ITS YOUR FAULT THEY HAVE NO SELF CONTROL!!!

... In 20 years when all these children grow up, i can only imagine how f'd up the world (or atleast this country) will really be.
omg, that is so true! ive been on every kind of pill for add/bi-polar/schizo affective because i was a little hyper when i was a kid.....i told em to fuck themselves(the psychiatrists) when i turned 18 (long time ago)and that i wasnt gonna come back i do better w/o them and their theories and pills. life instantly got better and has stayed that way or improved since then. ( got alot easier, i can/could get along with my family better, and no more anger issues).


Well-Known Member
Since I freed myself from antidepressants (which were prescribed to me when I was 14 years old)... my life and attitude has steadily improved. I even find that I'm more motivated and able to keep a shred of optimism. Somehow, the antidepressants kept me from that.

The movie 'Equilibrium' is like a metaphor of how I felt coming off of those things. Scary. o_o


Well-Known Member
omg, that is so true! ive been on every kind of pill for add/bi-polar/schizo affective because i was a little hyper when i was a kid.....i told em to fuck themselves(the psychiatrists) when i turned 18 (long time ago)and that i wasnt gonna come back i do better w/o them and their theories and pills. life instantly got better and has stayed that way or improved since then. ( got alot easier, i can/could get along with my family better, and no more anger issues).
+rep for coming out and telling your side! ... I was watching "Poker after dark" and daniel negrenue started talking about how they perscribe ridlin to 3 year olds now... Our medical system is all kinds of fucked up :evil:


Well-Known Member
Since I freed myself from antidepressants (which were prescribed to me when I was 14 years old)... my life and attitude has steadily improved. I even find that I'm more motivated and able to keep a shred of optimism. Somehow, the antidepressants kept me from that.

The movie 'Equilibrium' is like a metaphor of how I felt coming off of those things. Scary. o_o
I honestly HATE pills. I will take asprin and vitamins but percs or anytype of mind altering pill i absolutly HATEEEEEEE. THey make me wierd, they make me not me. ... thats why i love weed, it allows me to have fun and be free yet remain myself.

+rep CanadianCutie :hug:


Well-Known Member
I honestly HATE pills. I will take asprin and vitamins but percs or anytype of mind altering pill i absolutly HATEEEEEEE. THey make me wierd, they make me not me. ... thats why i love weed, it allows me to have fun and be free yet remain myself.

+rep CanadianCutie :hug:
D'aww thanks!

And yeah, SSRUIs and MAOIs are just... evil. They do help some people, I'm not gonna deny that, but the majority of people who take them would benefit a lot more from talking to someone who is kind and understanding (like a therapist). Also, weed.


Well-Known Member
I hate how, after you've been with a guy a while,he thinks that all he needs to do is waggle his pecker at you to turn you on.Seriously?Is there some heretofore unmentioned posthypnotic suggestion that has been implanted in my brain that makes a flick of your meat the trigger for my inner nymphomaniac?
I hate it when you go and buy a meat bundle and they have to be told to separate the chicken breasts so they don't weld themselves together in a large, un-thawable clump of meat!
I hate people who don't even get out their checkbook at the grocery store until everything is in the cart and the total is rung up.
I hate running out of toilet paper.


Amen to the guy "waggling his pecker" to turn a girl on!!!!




i live in england and it is ran by a crusty fat ass hole who i rearly f****n hate, i hate people who pretend everything is so f****n good in their lifes, i hate how the government treats everyone like pets and for some reason people just let their lifes be ran by dirty bastards, infact the only thing i rearly like is a good old:joint: if u let the government rule u they will cary on ruling u, if everyone who is not happy with what is going on stands up the government will be well and truly f****d:hump: