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Fed made $9 trillion in emergency overnight loans

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NEW YORK ( -- The Federal Reserve made $9 trillion in overnight loans to major banks and Wall Street firms during the financial crisis, according to newly revealed data released Wednesday.

The loans were made through a special loan program set up by the Fed in the wake of the Bear Stearns collapse in March 2008 to keep the nation's bond markets trading normally.
Feds Tracking Americans' Credit Cards in Real-Time Without a Warrant

Federal law enforcement agencies have been tracking Americans in real-time using credit cards, loyalty cards and travel reservations without getting court orders for the "hotwatch."

It should surprise very few to learn that federal law enforcement agencies track Americans without getting court orders, but this time the feds have been tracking U.S. residents using real-time surveillance of credit card transactions and travel reservations.

Security researcher Christopher Soghoian obtained a 10 page document from the Justice Department about "hotwatch" orders. "As the document makes clear, Federal law enforcement agencies do not limit their surveillance of US residents to phone calls, emails and geo-location information. They are also interested in calling cards, credit cards, rental cars and airline reservations, as well as retail shopping clubs," Soghoian explained.

Full article:

DOJ powerpoint presentation on Hotwatch surveillance orders of credit card transactions:
Is Your Videogame Machine Watching You?

Microsoft Corp. officials are considering using the camera on their new Kinect videogame system to target ads to people watching the games.

Dennis Durkin, who serves as chief operating officer and chief financial officer for Microsoft’s Xbox video game business, told investors Thursday that Kinect - which allows users to play video games without so much as a joystick - presents business opportunities for targeted game marketing and advertising.

Kinect is a camera peripheral that plugs into the Xbox 360 console and allows players to control games with only body movements. The system uses facial recognition technology to sign in players and match them with their avatars and profiles. But the technology can also be put to use beyond those purposes, Durkin said in a presentation at an investors conference sponsored by BMO Capital Markets.

“We can cater which content we present to you based on who you are,” Durkin said. “How many people are in the room when an ad is shown? How many people are in the room when a game is being played? When you add this sort of device to a living room, there’s a bunch of business opportunities that come with that.”

Such a system also could raise questions about privacy. In the past few months, targeted online advertising has been facing increasing scrutiny, and the use of cameras and facial recognition would push such technology into a new realm.

it's gotta start somewhere right? i'm suprised by people who know so little about what's going on in the world and continue to live in their little box :(
^^^ no surprise on that last one.... Comcast put out cable boxes last year with cameras for the same "purpose"

and your christmas better be green bro.... you've got no excuses now with all the help you've at your disposal ;)
^^^ no surprise on that last one.... Comcast put out cable boxes last year with cameras for the same "purpose"

and your christmas better be green bro.... you've got no excuses now with all the help you've at your disposal ;)

haha yeah, i remember the comcast cable boxes. that was just crazy.

augmented reality is JUST around the corner, its' so fucking scary.

and yes, i'm workin on it right now! i will pm you within the week and let you know what i'm doing!!! :D
lol really?

Obama Just Pardoned Four Coke Dealers, Two White Collar Criminals And A Coin Mutilator

Obama just issued his nine first presidential pardons. Details haven't been released, other than the names (via The Oval):

James Bernard Banks - Liberty, Utah
Offense: Illegal possession of government property. Sentence: Oct. 31, 1972; District of Utah; two years of probation.

Russell James Dixon - Clayton, Ga.
Offense: Felony liquor law violation. Sentence: June 23, 1960; Northern District of Georgia; two years of probation.

Laurens Dorsey - Syracuse, N.Y.
Offense: Conspiracy to defraud the United States by making false statements to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Sentence: Aug. 31, 1998; District of New Jersey; five years of probation and $71,000 restitution.

Ronald Lee Foster - Beaver Falls, Penn.
Offense: Mutilation of coins. Sentence: Oct. 4, 1963; Eastern District of North Carolina; one year of probation and $20 fine.

Timothy James Gallagher - Navasota, Texas
Offense: Conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute cocaine. Sentence: Oct. 18, 1982; District of Arizona; three years of probation.

Roxane Kay Hettinger - Powder Springs, Ga.
Offense: Conspiracy to distribute cocaine. Sentence: March 31, 1986; Northern District of Iowa; 30 days in jail followed by three years of probation.

Edgar Leopold Kranz Jr. - Minot, N.D.
Offense: Wrongful use of cocaine, adultery and writing three insufficient fund checks; Articles 112a and 134, Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Sentence: Sept. 14, 1994, as approved Nov. 4, 1994; General court-martial convened at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii; bad conduct discharge (suspended), 24 months of confinement and reduction to pay grade E-1.

Floretta Leavy - Rockford, Ill.
Offense: Distribution of cocaine, conspiracy to distribute cocaine, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, and possession of cocaine with intent to distribute. Sentence: Oct. 19, 1984; District of Kansas; one year and one day in prison and three years of special parole.

Scoey Lathaniel Morris - Crosby, Texas
Offense: Passing counterfeit obligations or securities. Sentence: May 21, 1999; Western District of Texas; three years of probation and $1,200 restitution, jointly and severally.
for those who weren't expecting this lol:

Wow: Bernanke Tells CBS That QE2 Isn't Limited To $600 Billion

Ben Bernanke will be on 60 Minutes this Sunday night.

The interview has been pre-recorded, and according to CNBC, Bernanke told CBS that QE2 isn't necessarily limited to just $600 billion.

The news is being cited for what pushed markets higher later in the day.

We'll have to wait until the whole transcripts are out to see what Bernanke actually said, of course, and it is very possible that he just said something pretty vague about the Fed always having all options open, depending on how things develop.

That being said, it was always pretty much known that this was possible.

The weird thing is: why this kind of messaging? And why drop this even as the fundamentals -- today's NFP report notwithstanding -- seem to be improving.

Massive Strike Causes Spain To Close ALL Air Space Over The Whole Country

Austerity: It's not going well anywhere.

The latest example comes from Spain, which has just closed air space over the entire country thanks to an air traffic controller strike, resulting from forced concessions from the state-run agency, according to SkyNews.

This kind of thing is worse than a protest because it grinds commerce to a total halt -- well, any commerce that would rely on air travel -- and it clearly demonstrates the recessionary vortex caused by austerity.

But then, it's Friday. Hopefully this will all be resolved and forgotten by the time Spanish bonds trade Monday morning.
check this even if you can't understand it.

some korean high school girl wrote a rap song about sudden attack, which is a game like counter strike but korean. i wanna marry this high school girl..and fortunately for me, in korea you can legally fuck 13 year olds!!

check this even if you can't understand it.

some korean high school girl wrote a rap song about sudden attack, which is a game like counter strike but korean. i wanna marry this high school girl..and fortunately for me, in korea you can legally fuck 13 year olds!!


this is why I love you... I may have just found a new signature:clap:
Dont tell him you have weed,
Its useless and makes him feel bad,
and it makes me feel bad also.
Im on the same shit,
didnt know it was a friday,
dont have weed,
no damn beer,
cold as shit here in florida for some reason,
and im worried bout my plants.
And I have no clue what my homeboys doing today.
Same tip as your bro :(
hahahaha thanks man!! im seriously gonna leave a note on her cyworld (korean myspace/facebook) lol that was such a great rap and video...

nice ol bud, i know how that feels man!!! :(

here are some quotes from warren buffett's father, howard buffett:

"I warn you that politicians of both parties will oppose the restoration of gold, although they may outwardly seemingly favor it, unless you are willing to surrender your children and your country to galloping inflation, war and slavery then this cause demands your support. for if human liberty is to survive in America, we must win the battle to restore honest money. There is no more important challenge facing us than this issue -- the restoration of your freedom to secure gold in exchange for the fruits of your labors."

"But first let me clear away a bit of underbrush. I will not take time to review the history of paper money experiments. So far as I can discover, paper money systems have always wound up with collapse and economic chaos."

"[W]hen you recall that one of the first moves by Lenin, Mussolini and Hitler was to outlaw individual ownership of gold, you begin to sense that there may be some connection between money, redeemable in gold, and the rare prize known as human liberty...
"The subject of a Hitler or a Stalin is a serf by the mere fact that his money can be called in and depreciated at the whim of his rulers. That actually happened in Russia a few months ago, when the Russian people, holding cash, had to turn it in -- 10 old rubles and receive back one new ruble. Under such conditions the individual citizen is deprived of freedom of movement. He is prevented from laying away purchasing power for the future. He becomes dependent upon the goodwill of the politicians for his daily bread. Unless he lives on land that will sustain him, freedom for him does not exist."

"Far away from Congress is the real forgotten man, the taxpayer who foots the bill. He is in a different spot from the tax-eater or the business that makes millions from spending schemes. He cannot spend his time trying to oppose Federal expenditures. He has to earn his own living and carry the burden of taxes as well... The taxpayer was completely outmatched in such an unequal contest."

"If we elected a Congress with intestinal fortitude, it would stop the spending all right!" I went to Washington with exactly that hope and belief. But I have had to discard it as unrealistic. Why? Because an economy Congressman under our printing press money system is in the position of a fireman running into a burning building with a hose that is not connected with the water plug. His courage may be commendable, but he is not hooked up right at the other end of the line. So it is now with a Congressman working for economy. There is no sustained hookup with the taxpayers to give him strength."

"I am fully aware of the odds against a Republican candidate today. He fights against the most powerful Tammany political machine the world has ever known. This ruthless gang, under the cover of war, is making plans to fasten the chains of political servitude around America's neck."

“I would rather put a fully loaded machine gun in the hands of a delinquent than more opportunities for international destruction in the hands of our State Department.”

Convinced that Roosevelt was destroying the dollar, Howard gave gold coins to his children and bought pretty things for the house -- a crystal chandelier, sterling silver flatware, and oriental throw rugs -- all with a view that tangibles were better than dollars. He even stocked up on canned food and purchased a farm, intended to be the family's refuge from the hellfire of inflation.

now if warren was just half the man his father was......

Dont tell him you have weed,
Its useless and makes him feel bad,
and it makes me feel bad also.
Im on the same shit,
didnt know it was a friday,
dont have weed,
no damn beer,
cold as shit here in florida for some reason,
and im worried bout my plants.
And I have no clue what my homeboys doing today.
Same tip as your bro :(
......I'm going to smoke one for you...just a small one though...and I'll drink a beer for ya too...but this is the last time...after this your on your own:)
poonjoon...this is your thread

your a typing one index finger would be done by now