My triplets are dying...


New Member
I'm using an organic .05-0-0 soil and watering daily (whenever the topsoil is dry). I've kept a root zone temp of 66-77, propagated under CFL and am using 400W light 24hr that is about 3 feet from the plants until I can fix a cooling issue. And really low humidity like 25%. I thought it was OK for the cotyledons[FONT=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif] to yellow. [/FONT]:dunce:

Now my seedlings cotyledons have yellowed and one's first leaves are kind of browning.

What should I do?!

10 Days ago...Screen shot 2013-10.png NOW Screen shot 2013-10-24.jpg and the browning: browning.png I did just water.

Any help is greatly appreciated! ;-)

F.A Hayek

Active Member
Looks like there's some drooping in the last picture, which may be a sign of over watering. How large are the pots you're using?


New Member
These are 4" pots for sprouting then going to PBA-free/food-grade 5 gal buckets. I do have a PH meter, my well water is 7.0ph. Ill measure the runoff PH tomorrow. Maybe I should slowly make it more acidic? I think I have been over-watering. I was worried about the cotyledons yellowing so soon. Here are some other photos: the black wire is an aquarium thermometer for root zone temp.Left is triplet runt, middle- seedling in question, right is normal. runt_yellow_normal.jpg In the background is the fast growing main triplet and foreground the yellow cotyledons height.pngSome aspect as to their progress:aspect.jpg Runt on the right: mutant.pngI have a Gen. Hydro. PH adjust kit. I thought it was too early to change soil PH.So, water less and slowly adjust PH levels? Or Flush?Again, thanks guys! I'm disabled and only in my 20's on over a dozen meds. I spend more money on medications than food. :-( I'm in tears about being able to grow my own medication. :weed: Thank you.

F.A Hayek

Active Member
These are 4" pots for sprouting then going to PBA-free/food-grade 5 gal buckets. I do have a PH meter, my well water is 7.0ph. Ill measure the runoff PH tomorrow. Maybe I should slowly make it more acidic? I think I have been over-watering. I was worried about the cotyledons yellowing so soon. Here are some other photos: the black wire is an aquarium thermometer for root zone temp.Left is triplet runt, middle- seedling in question, right is normal. View attachment 2869182 In the background is the fast growing main triplet and foreground the yellow cotyledons View attachment 2869183Some aspect as to their progress:View attachment 2869184 Runt on the right: View attachment 2869194I have a Gen. Hydro. PH adjust kit. I thought it was too early to change soil PH.So, water less and slowly adjust PH levels? Or Flush?Again, thanks guys! I'm disabled and only in my 20's on over a dozen meds. I spend more money on medications than food. :-( I'm in tears about being able to grow my own medication. :weed: Thank you.
Let the growing medium dry out before watering again. You want the first 2" of topsoil to be dry before watering. Having the wrong pH for your plants will stunt their growth and lock out essential nutrients your plants need to grow well. Splash out on a high quality pH meter ( $40 + ), it will save you endless amounts of trouble. The plants also look like they're stretching quite a bit. Move your lights closer and bury the rest of the exposed stems with potting soil.

Good luck!

banks dank

Active Member
These are 4" pots for sprouting then going to PBA-free/food-grade 5 gal buckets. I do have a PH meter, my well water is 7.0ph. Ill measure the runoff PH tomorrow. Maybe I should slowly make it more acidic? I think I have been over-watering. I was worried about the cotyledons yellowing so soon. Here are some other photos: the black wire is an aquarium thermometer for root zone temp.Left is triplet runt, middle- seedling in question, right is normal. View attachment 2869182 In the background is the fast growing main triplet and foreground the yellow cotyledons View attachment 2869183Some aspect as to their progress:View attachment 2869184 Runt on the right: View attachment 2869194I have a Gen. Hydro. PH adjust kit. I thought it was too early to change soil PH.So, water less and slowly adjust PH levels? Or Flush?Again, thanks guys! I'm disabled and only in my 20's on over a dozen meds. I spend more money on medications than food. :-( I'm in tears about being able to grow my own medication. :weed: Thank you.

first off thecotylendons are suppose to get yellow and fall off thats totally normal sign...They just act as basically a food source for the
plant when its in a young veg state...

The cotylendons losing color and falling off is normal HOWEVER it is not normal any other part of the plant to
do this...

Why are u watering with 7.0 water when you have a ph meter? Why dont u ph your water? that seems pretty obvious that is why you purchased
a ph meter...

Lastly it looks fine it looks like you overwatered it...chill out on the water...stick your finger down when its dry about 2 inchs in water the plant...
Less water is more in this stage as it promotes root expansion...

If i was u i would transplant those seedlings in 2 or 3 weeks to a bigger pot with some good soil like ocean forest...That soil you have looks
pretty shitty..

Good luck with your grow


Well-Known Member
fill the pots with soil, also a 400w metal halide at three feet will provide about 710 lumens, so maybe stick some cfls around the plants as well until you get a cooltube or whatever. and please don't cry you can grow your own meds, there is people here that will help you, good luck :)


Well-Known Member
Like has been noted top off your pots with soil.

400W is kind of overkill on new seedlings, a few 6500K CFL's a couple inches away will suffice for a couple weeks if you want to save some electricity and bulb life.


Well-Known Member
Overwatering is a typical newbie mistake
Don't follow with the next typical newbie mistake and that is literally killing it with nutrient overkill.
Its a weed, let it be one.