MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

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Take a look at post #3 on page one this thread and you`ll see what the sum total of Fatman`s experience was with hp-aero/ air assisted aero was when he arrived on the thread...pretty much nada.

Follow his advice at your own peril and make sure you upgrade your house/personal injury insurance :mrgreen:

No one but a few individuals has seen anyhing he has grown so what makes you think anyone wants to replicate his results.[/quote

You do yourself no favours by disrespecting the guy who started the thread. Its less likely anyone will want to replicate your results...which seem to be all in your mind.

I`m outta here.
fatman has helped me :-) I dont take anything anyone says as gospel but what do you expect for free online? even einstein started somewhere m8, and if anyone else was around live online to help get my head around HP id be glad to ask :-)

I'm shore myself and fatman dont meen any disrespect to this thread, it is a live thread about HP that is quite rare and it has helped me a great deal :-)

If you took time to explain stuff and showed your results maby there would be a better vibe about HP rather than dead threads that all ended in bitchin........

Take a look at post #3 on page one this thread and you`ll see what the sum total of Fatman`s experience was with hp-aero/air assisted aero was when he arrived on the thread...pretty much nada. As was tree farmers and probably yours Dude. It took very little to learn what was needed Dude. I am not an ignorant man. I learn very quickly when I choose. A little carpentry some to part epoxy enamel, some plumbing, some calculations, some minimal trial and error. Nothing that an average engineer with many years of experiences can't simply handlee in a week end. It is not rocket science Dude. Actualy I think I can be honest in saying I know more about air atomized aero than either you or tree farmer now know. Probably as much or more about HP also and I dont even use HP aero. So stick that in your bong and smoke it it Dude.

Dude I had been growing medium pressure aero for years at that time. I have run two six week SOGs bud cycles with air atomized aero in 3' by 3' by 3' cubes since that time and the third is 3 weeks into a 6 week budding cycle with the forth two days into a six week cycle. I also have some large tube medium pressure aeros converted over to air atomized that are at 4 weeks and at and 1 weeks of a six week bud cycle. The Indica plants average almost 19 grams each dry weight. Four per square foot 36 plants per pod. I manage to stay quite buzy without finding any need to keep you informed of my activities. Just as you do not keep me informed of your activities and probable failures. Good thing I am an engineer and have no difficulties with simple design and consruction. It is also nice that I have no spouse of children to take up my time or spend ny monets so I can do as I wish when I wish and that I do not even have to answer to you or any one else.

Follow his advice at your own peril and make sure you upgrade your house/personal injury insurance :mrgreen: Your trying to be funny I assume. Or simply childish.
No one but a few individuals has seen anyhing he has grown so what makes you think anyone wants to replicate his results.
And that was not an insult aimed at tree framer but a dig at you for saying something as foolish as that. "Guys, if you want to replicate Tree Farmers results, just follow the detailed information/photo`s he posted in the thread from several runs with the setup." What results? The growing of hair roots. That is the only results that have appeared in any photos. Remember people havebeen doubting tree framer and you both as far as your abilities togrow trees th HP earos. Do you really think tree farmer needs someoneto blow a horn for him Dude. He is a grown an and obviu ously mature enough to shrug off such slights. Personally INHO it think it would be foolish for tree framer to post photos of his aero grows. I like tree frarmer. I really appreciatteby PMs wth him as the exchange of information is always good. He is one of the few people I know who actually keeps notes on his work and learns constantly trough his trials and errors. He is definitely not a sheep. Nor a donkey. But you? I also think it foolish than anyone post pictures of there mj grows or equipment photos. Personally I like the photos I saw of tree framers grows. I would definitely not post online plants growing in a HP aero chamber. I think he is progressing well in his experimental grows. I would not grow what he is growing the way he is growing but like I said, "I grow SOG" and for legal reasons he grows larger plants.

Dude, I have never seem any photos of anything you have grown with HP earo, Dude. So as far as I know you have never even grown a seedling yet anything else.

You do yourself no favours by disrespecting the guy who started the thread. I am not disrespecting him. I have great respect for tree framer and the work he is doing. He is doing what he chooses to do. Develop a methodology to grow trees with high pressure fsmall mcron water droplets in chamber. I think he has chosen a hard road and I have no desire tor trudge that road as Iam not worried about a plant count number. Trees is not what I choose to do. And considering how difficult a process/experiment it is turning out to be a I doubt many others are all that interested in trying to grow trees at this time with HP aero. I grow SOG only and find air atomized aero actually does that better than medium pressure aero. I am, changing, as I find time, nearly all my systems to air atomized aero. I have no desire to do HP aero nor do I wish to compete with tree farmer or you. I would be quite happy if tree framer resumed posting replies ans sharing his wisdom gained through his trial and error experiments. I really do not care what you do. It is you guys who have deserted this thread just when a huge number of people have started posting to it. If you guys want to continue to work towards developing a good methodology to grow trees that is your businees.

Its less likely anyone will want to replicate your results...which seem to be all in your mind. What? Well you can simply believe what ever you wish Dude. After all I can safely say the same about you, as you havenotposted anthing that gives me any reason to believe yoiu have every grow a o palnt in HP earo a hravetablebud state. However I have many people daily sending me PM's asking for help. I receive reputation points regularly. I know people setting up systems now that are replications of my present and past systems. All of which have done very well.

As far as this thread: It is not tree farmers thread or anyone elses. It is simply a thread started by tree framer. It is not a grow journal. It is simply a thread. When I open a thread it is simply because it is a topic I would like to share about or here about, not because I want a part of the forum to call my own. If I want that I will buy that right with a paid membership.

I`m outta here. Good.

Guess I just don't waste time like others as I have already produced in less space more than tree farmer in less time. But that is because he is experimenting so as to perfect a technique for trees. Mean while I am simply using the system in a way it already performs excelently with out continous experimentation and set backs. Bonzai SOG plants fast and hot with CO2 and dehumidification and drain to waste. No unnecessarily self imposed learning curve trying to do something that might not even be posible because I just started out with medium pressure aero and increased the chamber size and improved the nutrient delivery with air atomized spray. No real challenges involved just applied what is already known to work and bumped it up a few notches.
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