my turn for a problem...........


New Member
think that mighty wash is all hype..never tried it...have ya tried dipping your plant in a neem solution instead of just spraying it....i have dome that and it works much better than the spraying...i also mix a little dish soap in there to stick to the plant.
mighty wash works,plain and simple. but just like anything else, they can become immune to it, you don't go to war with just a bazooka, you need tanks,oozies,flamethrowers,bombers,you get the idea.


Active Member
i'm cooking up some garlic/pepper juice to hit it with also.
What did I tell you about making me hungry?!?!? :)

thanks........i'm going to go to the grow shop, and see what my local options are. i have gnats out the ass now. too.
GoGNATS!!!!! I love this stuff and I think its au naturael to boot. Main ingredient is cedar oil, I wear it to the club as an aphrodisiac too, smells great!