My two girls.


Active Member
I'm not sure when flowering actually begins, where pre flowering ends? For all we know flowering, is pre flowering, too. But who knows? I was just wanting people's opinions.


Well-Known Member
I think "preflowering" is the beginning of flowering, when the "stretch" takes place.

Then again, the things we read to sex plants are technically "preflowers"... So maybe a plant is preflowering from the point when it is able to be sexed...?

Some clarification from a pro would be great.


Well-Known Member
from my understanding preflower is when u see 2 sets of pistils at each node, and then once u start seeing clusters of pistils starting to come outta the tops, that is the start of flowering


Active Member
then yes, I am 3 - 4 weeks in. Some people count preflower in flowering, others don't. In can be confusing. I think I've asked before about this, and I don't think anyone really for sure knew. I just like to have a time table planned out in my mind, I guess.
I've got 2 plants outside as well and they look like they are at about the same stage in flowering as yours. The strain I'm working with (Purple Star) always starts to flower a little later than most other strains I've worked with. They don't start flowering until early August. You are definitely on track. Very healthy looking plants. I love this stage in flowering. You should be able to notice changes almost every day.


Well-Known Member
ahh nice hooters ! looks like 2-3 weeks in post streatch. The limbo periond. "Baby gots back" in another 2-3 weeks and it's on!

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
generally you will see preflowers around the 4th or 5th week of veg. some plants just take longer than others to show sign of preflowers.

we used to have a link in the faq's sections for general info but i havnt been able to find it since our last forum upgrade. you can find alot of basic questions answered here. if you scroll down to sexing, you will see a section on preflowers.

and yet another link