My Uk Outdoor Mango Grow

josh b

Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I currently have 13 mango by kc brain's and 1 la woman (fem) that have been vegging under 4 15w cfl's for the past 2 week's under a 24/0 light pattern.

They have about 60ml of ph'd water every 3 day's each and the cfl's are about 3-4" from the top's of the plant's but the leave's are starting to curl at the tip's and look abit dull in colour.

The leave's on a few on them are pretty wide with close node's and are all between 4-7" tall.

I will be taking them off the cfl's and putting them outside to grow naturally within the first 2 week's of may hopefully.

I also plant on leaving half in pot's and put half in the ground.

Here is a pic of them,sorry for the quality it's on my mobile but i will be using my digital camera soon.

I think that they are not getting a good air flow in my cuboard so i was thinking would it be better to put them outside in the day time if it is sunny and then make up the 24 hour's of light with my cfl's at night time?

Would reducing the light cycle to 18/6 help atall?

Would the plant's do better outside in the day time than under cfl's?

Whats do you all think?



Active Member
They won't benifit much from a day outside im sorry to say,you may as well leave them under the cfl's for another week or two and put them out. :peace:

josh b

Well-Known Member
I do not have very good ventalation and that is why my plant's are starting to show it,and i though that the fresh air and the direct natural sunlight will do them good.


Well-Known Member
those are kc mango's in the pictures? i bought a pack and of all the seeds i germed this year these did not want to cooperate. ive only 5 of 10 seeds that made it. one looks like such hell i should put it out of its misery but its sort of funny to look at. the others dont look bad but they all look more like sativas. i had friends that grew some years back and i remember they had one or two nice plants from a pack with lots of varyation. but yours look all quite similiar. did you have any germ probs with these? i only had one other seed not sprout accept for the kc's this year. do any of yours look more sativa ish? mine all seem to compared to yours.

josh b

Well-Known Member
Ite,yes they are all from kc brain's and i got a 15/15 germ rate,my one's all have short wide indica leaves but your's look's more sativa which is weird,there have been no problems so far.

They look fine man,just got sativa leaves wtf.


Well-Known Member
yea that is sort of wierd= bad germ rate. and i can usualy get anything to germ. its all good ill grow mine out and we will compare them at a later date sometime cool? in the last couple days they have started to get lots of side branching already. and are getting tall quick i imagine they will be bushes. ill take another pic in a week or so. if you dont mind me posting on your thread?

josh b

Well-Known Member
Sup all

Ite sodalite,yes you can post 1 or 2 just to show me but i don't want it to be OUR thread if you kno what i mean.

I now have the perfect veg patch and it recieve's direct sunlight from 7am-6pm from what i have checked today when i went out,so they should get pretty big in these condition's shouldn't they?

If i put them out within the next 2 week's how long will they take to show sex sign's,concidering that they will have been vegged under cfl's under 24/0 for a month.

Also do you think that i will get more than 8 female's out of 14 seed's or should i do another 5 seed's to make sure.

Picture's will be uploaded on the 28'th because that's when i hope to get them out and into bigger pot's.

Thank's everyone and what do you think?


Well-Known Member
dont worry man i didnt want to hijack your thread just compare when they get bigger and when done. you can do it on any thread i have if youd like instead no worries. if you put them out in the next two weeks they probly will start to show sex sometime after the summer solstice. posibly by start of july they will have preflowers showing. given good conditions you should get more females than males. every good grower will tell you the same. if they are healthy and not stressed 65% or more females is common. if youve got them to plant and the space and time to take care of them plant them all. peace.

josh b

Well-Known Member
Ok man sound's pretty good and it will be good to ocmpare size's.

I thought i was going to get like 5 female's from 15 seed's but i hope not lol.

Gonna put sum picture's up of the veg site today.