My utility bill increased by $80. Is this okay?

Hello all, I am currently running one 400 watt metal halide, one 250 watt hps, and one 150 watt hps. So 800 watts total. I also have my air conditioning running constant at 71 F. With that being said, I noticed my bill increased by $80 from the previous month. Will this put a red flag on me or no? Feedback greatly appreciated!!


Well-Known Member should be fine...just pay your bill...people have things go wonky in their houses at a hot water heater or fridge...that all of a sudden start using shittons more electricity due to some type of mechanical won't get redflagged for $80 increase in a if it was a $800 increase i think they might wonder whats up...but even then the most that would happen would be some sort of investigation into your dont put shit in your trash you dont want other people to find ;)
Obviously I knew it would increase! I am asking whether or not that is a high enough spike in my overall bill to get noticed for any reason by the power company?


Well-Known Member
Red flag? Electric companies don't red flag anyone. If the police red flag you for running your mouth they can request electric records after a warrant for them is issued. The electric company itself wants you to use as much power as possible - just as long as you pay it off every month.

FYI - a high spike would a an increase of $1000+. $80 is pretty petty. I know some people with $5k energy bills for small houses. Local farms around here run $125,000/month in electricity.
Thanks for the post massah! That gives me a little bit of relief. Got some bubba kush and green crack bloomin as we speak. Wouldnt want anything to deprive them of their fullest potential!

Sara Saw It

Active Member
I wouldn't worry. Imagine if you had two air conditioners running or alternatively, in the winter you have an extra space heater.
Thanks as well gastanker. What about the rule of using only 1000 watts per room? Does that argument prove to be true or is it just speculation?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
That is not a shit ton. No worries as long as you pay your bill. Mine jumped over $250. I had a (broken) Ceramic Kiln in the garage in case of any inquisitions.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Thanks as well gastanker. What about the rule of using only 1000 watts per room? Does that argument prove to be true or is it just speculation?
There is no hard and fast rule followed by the electric company. They WILL NOT turn you in. And by the time the cops are looking into your power usage, you're already fucked, and they are just adding evidence against you.


Well-Known Member
Thanks as well gastanker. What about the rule of using only 1000 watts per room? Does that argument prove to be true or is it just speculation?
Depends on so many variables. Some places the more energy you use the cheaper it gets - other places the opposite. Where I live the energy increases in price drastically. First light adds $80/month, second adds $200/month, third + each add $500/month. Although it shouldn't matter, anything over a $2,000 residential electric bill seems fishy to me so the maximum lights I would want to run would be 5 ($1780 for just the lights).

But what Jack Herar says is the truth - by the time they are looking into electric records you're fucked. Just don't get caught not being able to pay your bill.


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I am currently running one 400 watt metal halide, one 250 watt hps, and one 150 watt hps. So 800 watts total. I also have my air conditioning running constant at 71 F. With that being said, I noticed my bill increased by $80 from the previous month. Will this put a red flag on me or no? Feedback greatly appreciated!!
No Man your ok just make sure to pay your bill on time. My light bill when doing IT is like 400 bucks a month and when I'm not its about $150
never had any problems.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I had 6 400w MH high bay lights in my shop behind the house, on top of the 3 1K HPS, 4 400w MH, floros, dehumidifiers, a/c's etc. Pay the bill, and have a plauable explanation IF the need should arise, but I have NEVER heard of anyone getting busted with the primary tip off being the power bill. It's almost INVARIABLY a CI, a pissed off ex-girl friend, or something similar. Power usage is always adding nails to the coffin.
Thanks for the all the responses. It was all very informative and helpful. I will sleep much better tonight knowing all of this!! Got some blackberry kush fresh from cali. Smells like fruity deliciousness!


Well-Known Member
Why so many lights? What type of ballasts are they, magnetic or digital? Just curious. Might be much cheaper just to get one or 2 600w ballasts instead of the combined 800 you have, but im not sure how you have it set up.

Thanks for the all the responses. It was all very informative and helpful. I will sleep much better tonight knowing all of this!! Got some blackberry kush fresh from cali. Smells like fruity deliciousness!