My very 1st grow.. very ghetto to start!


Active Member
Sweet seventh page ownage, now wheres my eighth

Hows that water cured bud looking? Was your water discolored at all after the first day? If so its normal, but seeing as how you used very few ferts you will probably not notice the water color change much. I am interested in what it looks like now, you should take pics right before each water change so you can track the difference, that and cause pics are cool to look at.

Shit man i am having so much trouble finding some smoke right now, when i see your finished buds i kinda get irritated, not that its your fault that i cant buy any here. I got a fifty dollar bill that is burning a hole in my pocket. I have been tempted to just smoke the money. Hmm its green right?

Anyone in Southern Oregon? Lol jk... unless your in southern Oregon with an eight you wanna get rid of. Ha ha.

President Kush

Well-Known Member
Sweet seventh page ownage, now wheres my eighth

Hows that water cured bud looking? Was your water discolored at all after the first day? If so its normal, but seeing as how you used very few ferts you will probably not notice the water color change much. I am interested in what it looks like now, you should take pics right before each water change so you can track the difference, that and cause pics are cool to look at.

Shit man i am having so much trouble finding some smoke right now, when i see your finished buds i kinda get irritated, not that its your fault that i cant buy any here. I got a fifty dollar bill that is burning a hole in my pocket. I have been tempted to just smoke the money. Hmm its green right?

Anyone in Southern Oregon? Lol jk... unless your in southern Oregon with an eight you wanna get rid of. Ha ha.
LOL I honestly wish I could just mail you some bud, but that would compromise our anonymity which is bad, especially since I may do a commercial grow and will need to discuss it on this site. Right now, I have no access to commercial shit and have no quick dried bud any more :-(. All the popcorn nugs and shit have already been picked and quick dried, so all I have left are the nice top branch guys and the rest of the cola which I want to cure the right way. I know exactly how you feel though.. I had to take my last quarter of a xanax bar to get to bed tonight. Thank God I'm not addicted to that shit and a .5 still does it for me. Mmmmm, drowsiness.


Oh yeah, pics!

Here's the plant and the rest of the cola plus a top branch bud as of late last night:

The plant is sparkling because I took the pic after spraying the leaves and buds with a mist of distilled water. I heard it was a good thing to do. Don't worry, she didn't turn into a gay vampire. :lol: I can definitely tell that it's almost time to harvest the rest of the top buds. You can just tell.. they are starting to swell up nice, the sugar leaves are getting a nice golden tinge, and the fan leaves supplying stuff to the top buds are almost completely dead. I wonder if they are getting that way naturally or just turning purple and shit because of a P deficiency.

Here's the water curing cola and the buds I am hang drying:

The water is usually purple and green before I change it, although it is getting lighter. I had to change it early tonight because I won't be around in the early morning to do it. I hope it won't mess it up if I change it tomorrow night instead of at 5-7AM like I was doing it before. After tomorrow's water change, I will revert back to the usual cycle I guess.


Active Member
You can change the water every twelve if you wanted to. Its up to you how you do it, the water draws any water soluble elements out. THC is not water soluble so it stays on your buds, so the only thing you have left is physical plant matter and THC no filler ya know. Its like distilling whiskey. More bang for your buck.

As far as mailing me thats awesome, however not a cool move on the forum like you said. You can PM for any real info. I will link up to a DIY computer growbox that i am gonna write up. Besides that i finally got one of my girls to hook up an 1/8th so i walk with her to go get it and the guy shows up I hand him the fifty and he gives me 14 grams of some killer smoke. I was like wow man to much, he just said yeah i know no problem. Ok well i just got a half ounce medical grade smoke for 50 cash. Score.

So yeah i will make a thread for that how-to later on should have it up by tommorrow morning.

Peace out man.

President Kush

Well-Known Member
Comments sent.

I lost the cola I was water curing. Can't get into details, suffice to say my knuckles are still bruised and healing from uh, stuff, and it hurts to type :hump:

The plant and everything else is fine, and I will be harvesting the rest of the cola and top buds in the morning. Remember those two branches I was hang drying? They have been jar curing for 3 days and are almost done I believe. Since they are so small, they are quickly resembling real expensive weed in both smell, taste, and appearance. I broke up one bud and my fingers were sticky as hell, and the calyxes nearest the stems smelled like straight fire I used to buy!!!

These are older pics from a little more than a day ago. Notice the last macros, those are the buds that have been drying!

President Kush

Well-Known Member
So i take it someone jacked your shit and you slugged um. I would have to.
Heh maybe, or maybe I fucked up and punched the wall or something :blsmoke:

how many grams di you think you'll get

get grow by the way
It's tough to say cause I quick dried a bunch of the initial buds, and they were so dry that the weights would be useless. So far, I got maybe an eighth and a half that I smoked already. Now I have another eighth and a half hanging up to dry, plus an eighth or so left on the plant.

Anyway, so I harvested the rest of the top cola and all the top branches. Here are the pics:

Notice the yellowing of the calyxes here. Dunno if that's natural, or it's some sort of deficiency or seed formation?

Here's a bud I cured for a few days in a jar. Smoke was BANGING and it looked, felt, and tasted almost perfect. Can't wait to see what a real cure will yield:

Here's the pre-harvest I mentioned above with trimming finished:

Trichs on one of the harvested cola buds:

Trichs on smaller bud with more of the yellow swelling calyxes:

What's left of the plant:

Water curing pt. 2!



Active Member
So hows it going now with the water cure? hope this one makes it for you. Keep up with it prez.

EDIT: By looking at your pics of whats left of your plant i would harvest the rest and start your curing on it. Are you saving all your trim? I bet you could make some hash out of what you have. If you like the smoke of the buds the hash can only be better.

You know when i had bigger plants that had less leaf I used to just put the buds and leaves together. That way i could enjoy a huge joint and only smoke a little buds, but still get high. I figured what the hell if i am not selling it and just for me to smoke on all day why not smoke it all?? It worked for me. Made it last longer.

President Kush

Well-Known Member
So hows it going now with the water cure? hope this one makes it for you. Keep up with it prez.

EDIT: By looking at your pics of whats left of your plant i would harvest the rest and start your curing on it. Are you saving all your trim? I bet you could make some hash out of what you have. If you like the smoke of the buds the hash can only be better.

You know when i had bigger plants that had less leaf I used to just put the buds and leaves together. That way i could enjoy a huge joint and only smoke a little buds, but still get high. I figured what the hell if i am not selling it and just for me to smoke on all day why not smoke it all?? It worked for me. Made it last longer.
About to change the water for the second time, looks good so far. The water is just as purple as before.

Which leaves can you actually smoke? Some of the bud leaves aka "sugar leaves" have crystals on them, and yeah I have a shitload of trim including lots of those sugar leaves. Then I have the rest of the plant.. so there will definitely be lots of hash once I have all the trim together. Is it bad if some of it is dry already?

I just took down the buds I harvested; the stems were snapping on all but the biggest buds and the buds themselves were really crispy. I hope this is the proper dryness for curing, as they are now in a mason jar. I will wait till I sweating then open, but I can only do that while I'm home. I guess it won't be sweating that quick after today, so opening it a couple times a day will be good. These buds are so fluffy and wispy that a week of curing should do. What do you think?

President Kush

Well-Known Member
Pics from earlier this morning. WTF is going on with those calyxes swelling and turning yellowish gold? Are those amber trichs and some sort of maturity sign or are those half formed seeds due to stress or some shit?



Active Member
Thats when your plant changes the "look" Its covered in clear crystals then the get cloudy which makes it take on a shiny color. When most trichs are turning amber the plant gets darker and starts to look wet. It fattens up really good the last few days of its life. Give those buds 5 more days if you can. Any time now there coming due.

Well yeah. Ok off topic but you said in my thread that you would like to see some cheese. Thats one i was leaning towards. why did you pick that, you ever seen it growing? how bushy are they?

President Kush

Well-Known Member
Thats when your plant changes the "look" Its covered in clear crystals then the get cloudy which makes it take on a shiny color. When most trichs are turning amber the plant gets darker and starts to look wet. It fattens up really good the last few days of its life. Give those buds 5 more days if you can. Any time now there coming due.

Well yeah. Ok off topic but you said in my thread that you would like to see some cheese. Thats one i was leaning towards. why did you pick that, you ever seen it growing? how bushy are they?
When I was breaking up some of the curing-in-progress bud I noticed that those golden calyxes are actually hollow and really do have little white things that look like baby seeds in them. Woah :eyesmoke:

Then I remembered.. this WAS that weird, narrow budded stuff I had a long time ago! I always thought it was really good outdoor grown bud because it was potent despite having a few seeds (one of which gave birth to this plant probably).

I guess this strain is somehow predisposed to going a little hermaphrodite or something towards the end of flowering. The calyxes were all fat and huge on the commercial variant of this stuff, with almost no leaves. I didn't see any purple on the commercial shit either, so maybe it changes from purple to greenish yellow as it reaches its peak. Hmmm.. this should make it easier to figure out exactly what strain this is. Who knows, maybe I'll get a few seeds and won't have to! Imagine what this plant could do under real lighting and nutes :blsmoke:

As for the other thread, I never actually mentioned Cheese. I recommended Sour Diesel just cause it's awesome, even though it's a sativa dom and probably not the best for a PC case haha. My real recommendation was Master Kush, because it should do well in a small space. You get very dense buds with an awesome indica stone; great for personal use but the denseness is a turnoff for dumbass customers who can't afford a fucking scale.

It's funny that you mentioned Cheese though, cause I was getting some stuff stamped "CHZ" not too long ago. It was some really funky exotic smelling shit that makes you wanna eat it, not smoke it. The "real" Cheese is supposedly a clone only strain though, so I doubt it was 'that cheese' even with the prices I was paying for it.


Active Member
Yeah i dont know were Cheese came from. Oh well, i might be getting some clones here in the next few weeks so for now i am holding off on seeds. I have a friend who is leaving town and needs to get rid of his clones. So i may get close to 20. If I do then its guerilla growing. I have a two nice plots that i have picked out, two ten spots and i could come up about 15 pounds if all goes well. I don't favor growing outdoors here cause of the risks of it being seen. But if it does oh well. We'll see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Dude, take those clippings and make some BUDDER. About a half ounce of dried clippings for every stick of REAL,UNSALTED BUTTER. Using a double boiler, simmer for two days. Strain and make your favorite brownies or Rice Krispie Treats. Any recipie that calls for butter.

President Kush

Well-Known Member
Yeah i dont know were Cheese came from. Oh well, i might be getting some clones here in the next few weeks so for now i am holding off on seeds. I have a friend who is leaving town and needs to get rid of his clones. So i may get close to 20. If I do then its guerilla growing. I have a two nice plots that i have picked out, two ten spots and i could come up about 15 pounds if all goes well. I don't favor growing outdoors here cause of the risks of it being seen. But if it does oh well. We'll see how it goes.
Definitely start a journal if you're gonna do a guerrilla grow. I have around 5 bagseeds ready to plant come early summer, or whenever the cannabis planting season starts in the Northeast-Mid Atlantic region.

Dude, take those clippings and make some BUDDER. About a half ounce of dried clippings for every stick of REAL,UNSALTED BUTTER. Using a double boiler, simmer for two days. Strain and make your favorite brownies or Rice Krispie Treats. Any recipie that calls for butter.
Hmmm.. If I can somehow find a hotplate or something I'll give that a try. I'm assuming one can just eat the butter without cooking with it too :lol:

So I used a different camera to take pics of the plant. I had to fix colors and sharpness with photoshop but you can definitely see more details. Even with these new pics, it's still tough to tell if most of the trichs are amber. I'd say it's 60% cloudy 40% amber at this point, so I guess I'll harvest the rest tomorrow.

I think I've even found out what strain it is! The source of the bud that I think the seed came from is almost positive that it was trainwreck. I did some research and I think I can confirm that it's either trainwreck, purple urkle, or "purple trainwreck", a hybrid of the two. It doesn't quite look like other trainwreck plants, then again those were all plants grown with the right nutes and lighting.

The smell--pine sol mixed with skunk and lemon--and the high--a head buzz followed by a creeping body stone--match the other descriptions perfectly!!

One of the dried buds that has been jar curing for 3-4 days now.



Active Member
Making butter is great. If you use a half ounce of good trim and popcorn buds to one stick of butter. I have heard of people using a crockpot. My method is a little different.

I use 4 cups of water and put it in the crockpot, turn the pot on high and stir in your smoke, continue to heat for 2 hours, put in your butter and let it melt. stir constantly for about 30 minutes to get it well blended. Then cook on low for about 6 hours. Stir about every half hour. Drain it all into a bowl and put it in the fridge. The heavy oily butter will seperate and float on top of the water. Wait few a few hours and it will harden, poke a hole in the butter near the edge of the bowl and use a knife to seperate it from the bowl, scoop all the butter out and discard the water. You can then press the butter into a cube or stick or whatever you like, you dont have to make just one stick either, you can used the same method and do like 6 sticks of butter just used enough trim and enough water to cover said trim while cooking.

Makes some killer brownies, i like to make rice krispy treats.