My very first grow/CFL grow


Well-Known Member
Its not to hard dude. Its taken me a month to get this far and I love how they look. Im still deciding if im gonna flower on april 7 or 14th.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I just watered my plants with some molasses and superthrive.(been using superthrive on and off since they sprouted) It was a very small amount of both. Like half of teaspoon of molasses and just a drop of superthrive. So will see what happens over the next couple of days.


Well-Known Member
Im hoping by interducing the molasses in the later stages of vegging that it will store up more sugars for flowering.


Well-Known Member
Ok so whats up everyone. A little update with some pics. Watered today with full strength nutes. They are all looking pretty good. I think I have a nute. def. cause alot of my stems are purpleish red color. So that is why I watered with full nutes. Seems like the molasses I added 2 days ago helped a little. I moved the timer from 18/6 to 17/7. Then I will continue to go down on the time over the next two weeks till I get to 12/12. Cause if you think about it that is how it does in nature. I will begin to flower on April 7 that is 13 days. :hump: Well I guess thats it here are some pics

All 3 plants

My best one

The "sick" one. Now its the tall one at over 20 inchs.

The new growth on the tall one.

Look at this fan leaf on the tall one

The other one isnt even worth talkin about. I think something has stunned its growth.


Active Member
Nice work, Clay. I could be mistaken, but I believe the slightly purple tinge on your ladies is due to a phosphorous deficiency. They're otherwise looking very healthy.


Active Member
I am doing a cfl grow for the veg period at least. I was just wondering what you were planning to do for the flowering stage. Do you know if it is possible to flower with CFL's?? that would make for a much cheaper grow.