My VERY first grow.. in the closet, under cfls, skunk bagseed.

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Well-Known Member
Damn girl, good job! Kiki has really grown, she kind of reminds me of my bushy, do you think she's got enough light?.lol.:mrgreen: again thanks for visiting my grow, keep up the great work.


Well-Known Member
OMG 8 lights already... =]

Once again im jelous... That cant possibly be kiki shes a monster... =]

Can we get her measurements... ?? Thats a 5gal paint bucket right... ??
If so i guess she must be a lil over a foot tall and almost 2 feet wide... =0

You've got skillz girl... =]

I wish i could add more lights... My current setup is too hot as is... But ill be putting together my new box over the thanksgiving weekend... =]

Once again You Rok... =]

TTFN... =P


Well-Known Member
Just another bag seed, the only one that germed... thinkin' bout buying some seeds... I really like the Ice strain...:blsmoke:

i just got in some ICE from
ill post a grow journal when i decide to sprout them. im finishing up some mandala strains right now, so it will be another month


Well-Known Member
Hm, guess it has been a while... been busy with holiday shyt. (Busy time of the year for us mommies)

Kiki's good, went through a little up and down there but she's looking great. I'll add some pix in the morning.

About a week ago I pruned all leaves that were 50% or more dead, really made a difference, the air circulation around the plant is better and all the other leaves seem so much happier with a little extra room.

Since I was so busy with Thanksgiving stuff, I guess I wasn't giving Kiki the attention she deserved, 1:30 Thanksgiving afternoon (an hour before I have to serve dinner) I randomly checked on Kiki, and to my shock, she was completely droopy- like seriously, I had never seen her like that. Completely wilted looking, bone dry soil. So the bf runs to the packed grocery store to pick up some distilled water (didn't have any at the house, I know I know, I coulda used tap water for this emergency, but this is my BABBBBBYYYYYY, LOL) After dinner she was perked back up. Why does shyt always happened to my plants around holidays?

Plans as of now: Since pruning diffuses growth hormones (wow can you tell the difference, growth almost halts compared to before) I'm going to add 2 weeks onto my planned vegging period. I planned on putting her into flowering on xmas, but I think I'm going to do it New Years now.Also, the time I had planned to clone Kiki is approaching, two more weeks. =)

So far throughout this grow Kiki has withstood overwatering, underwatering, heat stress, over nutes, lights falling, and fungus gnats... she truly is a trooper...


Well-Known Member
Well, thats alot of action since the last post! Glad to hear she's still doing well, are you sure you wanna veg her that long?
She's soooo big!! You're going to have a jungle to contend with, for sure.
It's cute how pampered she is, you're a great mommy.
Hope your Thanksgiving was awesome!!! :mrgreen:
Thanks for the update, I can't wait for the pics!


Well-Known Member
Oh, and what'd you do with the leaves you cut off? I was thinking they'd be pretty pressed in-between books. :)


Well-Known Member
The leaves I took off were 50% or more damaged.. not looking that pretty anymore. I dried them out, crumbled them, then disposed of them safely in a garbage far from me.. LOL...

Oh, someone wanted to know measurements. As of today, she had 13 nodes, is 14 inches tall, and 18 inches wide. Also, she is alternating nodes now.

And yes, I know I'm going to have a jungle to contend with if I veg her this long... :blsmoke: I'm up for the challenge...



Well-Known Member
Aww thanks.. I know, she's HUGE> LOL.. this is my only plant.. hence why she's just so spoiled- she was the survivor of her 3 other siblings.

For those just joining, today's pix are on page 25 of this thread.


Well-Known Member
Awesome your lil monster is doing SOOOOOOO well... =]

I think she will outgrow the space you have in there by the end of flower...

I only wish my lil children could have the awesome growing power that kiki does... I would keep her in veg perm and just clone for flower maybe try to hermie her after getting some good clones and get some fem strain seeds...

Hmmm... Maybe it would be better to try and hermie the clones...

I know you will still w8 but i am 100% positive you could clone her now without any stress on her... =] I know, i know you will still w8 but just saying... =]

Does any one have any idea what strain this might be... ??

KIKI the mysterious monster bag seed... =]


Well-Known Member
" I think she will outgrow the space you have in there by the end of flower..."

Was actually thinking the same thing the other day (yet somehow it didn't deter me at all), the closet is about 5'9. I'm going to do some research into different pruning techniques or maybe bending... this really will be interesting..

" Hmmm... Maybe it would be better to try and hermie the clones..."

Also was thinking about turning a clone hermie, esp. after all the stress Kiki has gone through, she would appear to be a "super female".. tons of stress and she hasn't turned thus far.. so if I got feminized seeds they should have less of a hermie tendency.

"I know you will still w8 but i am 100% positive you could clone her now without any stress on her... =] I know, i know you will still w8 but just saying... =]"

LOL.. I know.. pruning off the leaves I did is basically the same thing as cloning.. cept I didn't root them.. just following the master's advice. Jorge suggests waiting till a plant is at least 2 months old to clone it for the healthiest vigorous clones.

Also, as far as the strain, all I know is it was a skunk strain, killer fuckin smoke. I had two grams of this shyt triple ziplocked and the car still smelled like it.... FROM THE TRUNK@! LOL... so.. keeping her smell under control will be interesting as well..


Well-Known Member
hey girl...Kiki's getting all grown cool is that....good job! I love her shape and fullness....excellent result so far after some very difficult bumps in the road!


Well-Known Member
hey girl...Kiki's getting all grown cool is that....good job! I love her shape and fullness....excellent result so far after some very difficult bumps in the road!
Thanks hon. :blsmoke: Kiki is a trooper and she is doing all the work, I'm just paying for everything.. LOL...


Well-Known Member
sort like raising real childs....hehehehehe.....I wish you an Kiki all the best..... :blsmoke:
Glad you caught that.. lol... similar yes.. be there to help them when they fall, buy shyt to spoil them, buy shyt they need.. but most importantly, give them their space to be an individual... thanks.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
cool....can I be your can catch me when I fall, buy my shyt and give me space to be an indivudal...sounds awesome....whaddaya think......??hahahahahaha
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