Hey everyone! Thanks for all the interest, I'm really sorry I haven't been around-- but I'm back ad finally have everything situated. Finally I've got internet, LOL.. This whole prosess with Kiki has been nothing short of amazing. And no bullshit, this is my first grow, this is my first attempt at a grow. I could not be more proud of Kiki. I look at the pix of her when she first sprouted and I can't believe the sexy woman she has become. She has well surpassed her mother's expectations. =) Now because of the chaos in my life lately, and horribly at this time in Kiki's life. I was unable to see Kiki everyday during her flowering cycle as I had wished. And honestly with this flowering cyle I feel as if I've dropped th ball- I would have to have the lights like 3 inches away from the buds out of fear if burning some buds. I have burned buds on Kiki, it sucks, I'm not proud of it, but shyt happens and there' plenty for me and my bf.. shyt.. lol. I have pictures of Kiki for the last few weeks I haven't been able to update.
I'm really confused with Kiki though- she went into flowering on Dec. 25th, and I'm looking at harvesting Thursday most likely- just have to wait and see when I see her. I saw her on Monday and about 85% of all the pistils have browned and shrivled and all the tricomes a milky white. (Got that microscope from Radioshack, be sober, you need a steady hand and patience, lol) So we're looking at nearly a 4 week flowering period? Wtf? I'm really hoping when I see her on Thursday that she won't be ready for harvest and I can keep letting her go... the last time I saw her on Monday I was shocked when I looked at her-- she's got a horrible def. and most of her upper leaves where yellowed with brown spots, I knot what nutrient it is.. I'm just too fucking high right now to remember. I removed all the leaves more than half dead. After having seen all of the tricomes milky white and the pistils nearly all changed I didn't wanna risk adding nutes now and making the flush she had pointless. So I just decided to jus go with it, hoping I didn't make a huge mistake here. But oh well, this is a learning process. She did recieve glucose in her last two waterings before the flush.
I also sampled her lovelyness, and holy shyt...
Also, the clones are fucking huge.. and weird.. LOL.. Nearly all of them have mostly 3 fingered leaves. And there's nearly always some leaves on all the plants flip upside down. Fuckin' weird.. lol.. from what I've read it's not a big deal. lol. Loni is the only one who's leaves don't turn over. But Loni is also the smalled plant of the 4 now-- yet she reminds me of Kiki the most, she's the one out of the lot that looks like a pile of leaves like her mother did. Alright, I'm done yappin, I'm going to start adding all the pix I've had from the time I was gone... I don't think I took pix on Monday though... no matter. Whatever happens Thursday with Kiki pix will def. be taken.