Cool. Thanks bro. If you can find that thread awesome. I'll look into too. They were watered today so I'll know exactly what to do by the time I gotta water em again.
Subcool's Super Soil
This is yet one more Soil Mixing tutorial. This one is going to focus on making a batch in the city while keeping it neat and tidy. First we use a tarp and a sheet of plywood under so the shovel will slide easily as we mix and scoop.

Here is the recipe to make this concentrate!
You cannot grow plants directly in this super concentrate!

6 Bags Roots soil or equivalent high quality supped up grow soil
Note**I am trying a new product made by a local company that contains less fir bark called Harvest Moon
25 pounds Pure Worm Castings
½ cup Azomite trace minerals
2/3 Cup Sweet Lime IE Dolomite
1 Kilo Bone meal / IE 5 Pounds
1 Kilo Blood meal ( I use a bit more bone than Blood in this recipe)
1 Kilo Bat Guano bloom formula preferably Fruit bats
3/4 cup Epson Salts
The Perlite and Coco I happen to have and it will make a better mix but it is not necessary.
See even in his soil, he mixes in a ton of epsom salt for the same reason, lol. I can't find the thread, but i know it wont hurt your plant to use a little bit of epsom salt the next time you water.
Hey Guys and Gals.
So I'm going to the beach for the day tomorrow (techincally today) and I was upset I wasn't gonna be able to do my 3 day video. Then I realized it was after midnight and if i were to take a video technically I I did it on the day I was supposed to. So on my way home I stopped over to the grow spot and snapped a quick little video for the collection. I did not however, remember to take any pics of the nodes. Damn my shitty memory. Any way here's my half assed attempt at a 3 day video.


So I was wondering does it look like I need to prune them again???
They're a week into flowering. No signs of actual sex yet but I do see little bitty mini somethings growing where the sexes will be shown so i'm pretty confident that we'll know something soon enough.
Thanks bud!! You will soon enough. Probably even do better cause it's an actual tent and not 2 friggin storage totes, lol
Thanks Machnak!
Baja let me know when u see some movement on them JH seeds!! Can't wait to get the ball rolling on the joint grow op. :-D
Hi iam a newbie i would luv to c ur set up.i started a cardboard box but i have rubbermaid in the house any tips please
Go back to school, and retake all 4 years of Highschool English. Learn to write, then come back and ask your question as if you had a higher than 3rd grade reading level.
Smoking rez is too harsh. Telling an illiterate bitch to GTFO is sweeter than honeyed joints rolled on the thighs of dutch virgins.