My very first grow


Hi guys...

First of all, i'd like to thank the whole community for shareing info and knowledge. I learned a lot from reading this forum...i hope i can put this knowledge to good use:)

So, this is my first grow and i'm doing a soil grow. I have some 10 big bang and 10 maxi gom seeds which i started in a paper towel last wednesday night and put them in a (see the pics..i don't know what they are called :) ), afther they germinated on friday. At the moment i have them in a small closet, but i'm putting up a 1.5 x 2 meters (about 30 sq feet) growroom which should be finished in a week or so and i'll move the sweetharts in there later on.

All of the seeds germinated and i just put the maxi gom's in. (i've got them later than the big bangs...on friday). I'm really fascinated what happened to the big bangs in just a few days and i'm looking forward to see how they go. In the pics: left side 10 big bangs, on the right 10 maxi gom (automatic). See the the root comming out already...i'll put them in 5 liter (1,1 gal) pots tommorow. Should i be worried about that root comming out while not in soil? Also the plants seem to be growing high....i mean the stems are a little slim, so i'm afraid that the plants will tumble over and break. Should i put the plants a little deeper when i put them into the soil/pots and bury a part of the stem?

My plan is to keep them all under a 400w hps + 2 52w cfl 2700k for 10-11 weeks, 18-6 light cycle. By then the autos should be ready to harwest and the big bangs for flowering, so i'll go for a 12-12 cycle after that. Does that seem right?

Oh, and i have some fine chicken manure i'm thinking of putting into the soil...would that be any good and if so how will i know how much is enough?

So, anyway...I'll appreciate any answers and tips i might get..this is aftherall my first grow.



Active Member
Should i put the plants a little deeper when i put them into the soil/pots and bury a part of the stem?

My plan is to keep them all under a 400w hps + 2 52w cfl 2700k for 10-11 weeks, 18-6 light cycle. By then the autos should be ready to harvest and the big bangs for flowering, so i'll go for a 12-12 cycle after that. Does that seem right?

Oh, and i have some fine chicken manure i'm thinking of putting into the soil...would that be any good and if so how will i know how much is enough?

So, anyway...I'll appreciate any answers and tips i might get..this is aftherall my first grow.
The autos will bud under any photo period, 12-12 is not advised, 18-6 or more is appropriate. As for transplanting the stalk deeper, this is a common practice, it can only help, just be careful not to over water.

On the chicken manure question, be careful with that stuff, small, young plants will burn very easily, use extreme caution.

~regards, growsolo~


The autos will bud under any photo period, 12-12 is not advised, 18-6 or more is appropriate. As for transplanting the stalk deeper, this is a common practice, it can only help, just be careful not to over water.

On the chicken manure question, be careful with that stuff, small, young plants will burn very easily, use extreme caution.

~regards, growsolo~
I'll go for the 12/12 cycle when the autos are harvested, so the big bangs go to flowering afther about 11 weeks...11 weeks is supossed to be the from-seed-to-harvest period for the maxi gom.
I'll skip chicken manure at this time then... Thank u for the tips Solo


Well-Known Member
Keep the humidity up where your seedlings are at, keep the light as close as you can without giving them heat stress, that will reduce any stretch they have, and definately as growsolo said when repotting you can put the seedling down in the pot a bit and fill in that stretchy part. There is a thread in the newbie section all about repotting long stretchy seedlings :)

Chicken manure is really potent shit(lol), has it been seasoned outdoors a bit or are we talking fresh straight out the ass? You will burn the hell out of your plant if you put fresh into the soil, and dear god it will smell horrible...its got shittons of nitrogen in it and honestly its easier to get nitrogen from other sources like bloodmeal :)

Now what you could do is take the chicken manure and spread it out thin on a foil lined pan and let it dry right out, crush it up into a powder and use it very sparingly, but again as long as its seasoned and not fresh :)


There is a thread in the newbie section all about repotting long stretchy seedlings :)
I'm new to growing and new to this forum as i try to read everything but i guess i missed some lessons. To be honest i read so much about growing in the last 5 or 7 days that i'm a bit much information at once:)

Anyway, the chicken manure...i got it from a local farmer and it's been seasoned, dried and grinded, so i have it in a form of fine powder. For now i'll just use it on my organic vegies garden as i have some experience in that:) Maybe i'll add some to the plants later on. Thanks for the advice Massah.


Hey deedee123, We are growing the same strains, I have a thread on my grow as well. I have 1 Maxi GoM and 5 Big Bang also 1 Pyramid Tutankhamun and 1 Burmese Kush. I have gone 12/12 from seed and all of mine are doing great. I just transplanted them to 5 gal buckets 5 days ago and they have shot up. They were all planted after germinating on Nov 8. They are in MG potting soil and are all being fed Technaflora line. The Maxi can handle full strength but the Big Bangs go good with 50%. I have 650watts CFL ( 10x65watt) on them and am going to get a CO2 Boost Buddy Bag in the next few days to try to max yeild. Let me know how yours are doing and maybe we can help each other out. There isn't a whole lot of posts on our particular strains


Hey Scott

I'm glad u posted...since like u said there isn't a lot of posts on our strains. So mine are atm under 4x18W cfls and are going under a 400W HPS a soon as i put my 'lab' up...hopefully in the coming weekend. I know that 4x18 is a bit low but can't really do much about it atm and the plants even though not big, seem quite happy and healthy. I don't have any new pics right now, but i'll try to get some new pics up today.

Did u say Nov. 8? :) Are your big bangs auto?