im definitely not getting a kick out of all of this now...this is extremely humorous to meits funny how u guys say "u probably save pics and post em up" then all of a sudden ur lil bitch boyfriend starts posting up all these stolen pics he has saved up lol wow lol losers and u say no one cares bluh bluh bluh but obviously u cared cuz u keep writing back getting but hurt talking shit
yea it means "know what your talking about" - for the losers who sit inside every weekend and internet it up talking shit to people trying to help em out lolooooooo..check myself? thats real scary..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
noone talked tried giving was wrong..and you got butthurt because someone disagreed with you...noone on this thread talked any shit till you came in here..what does that say...who is the true bitch hereyea it means "know what your talking about" - for the losers who sit inside every weekend and internet it up talking shit to people trying to help em out lol
lolim definitely not getting a kick out of all of this now...this is extremely humorous to me
this coming from a person dressed up like a 14 yr old kid trolling a site to make himself feel better about being a clicheloli bet u i said ur life is probably boring..u spend weekends on the internet bored with ur wake ass man..dont u remember i said ur low lifes? think stoner think lol
i couldnt believe what i was reading to..and i cant speak for those people maybe all i gotta say is LOOK HOW UR PLANT TURNED OUT anyways boys and girls im going to have to say goodbye..u bore me and im tired of u hard headed NOOBSnoone talked tried giving was wrong..and you got butthurt because someone disagreed with you...noone on this thread talked any shit till you came in here..what does that say...who is the true bitch here does get boring when you finally learn what a fucking joke you are....and how it takes a big man to make fun of a girl about her first plant...i take it you dont rank to high in your gang of 7 teenagers..goodnight...go back to watching vh1 while thinking your hard ~waves retardedly~i couldnt believe what i was reading to..and i cant speak for those people maybe all i gotta say is LOOK HOW UR PLANT TURNED OUT anyways boys and girls im going to have to say goodbye..u bore me and im tired of u hard headed NOOBS
my plant was a happens..and if you were a real grower you would know that..why dont you just leave and save yourself the humiliation..god some people need to seriously grow up and get a god damn lifei couldnt believe what i was reading to..and i cant speak for those people maybe all i gotta say is LOOK HOW UR PLANT TURNED OUT anyways boys and girls im going to have to say goodbye..u bore me and im tired of u hard headed NOOBS
so your a snowboarder/skater...thats dresses and acts black....thats in a gang of teenage white boys...that has a name that is being used to purposely offend their own race..using the term square that has not been used since the 1970' have reached a new level of poser and being sad...i call it pathedasaddressed like a 14 year old?? wtf u must be some square..#1 that pic was when i was 22 im 25 now and famous stars and straps are for kids lol im a snowboarder/skater and my dad wears that shit lol he's 60..anyways have a good night losers and stfu and talk to eachother instead of me..i cant always b the center of attention now
how the fuk do i dress black lol thats a boarding company bro Famous isnt for black people..where r u from?? come to california..Famous is pretty popular over hereso your a snowboarder/skater...thats dresses and acts black....thats in a gang of teenage white boys...that has a name that is being used to purposely offend their own race..using the term square that has not been used since the 1970' have reached a new level of poser and being sad...i call it pathedasad
nope..its not a real word..just seemed fitting for a way to wave to i know where i know you from...corky? life goes on?retardedly huh is that even a word lol nope..retard..and i wasnt making fun of her till u losers started talking shit now i really saw what i think..that plant was pathetic![]()
lets famous hat..pillow case over face...thats how black people dress here...only difference is i respect them for acting like that...its them being them...not trying to act like others to fit inhow the fuk do i dress black lol thats a boarding company bro Famous isnt for black people..where r u from?? come to california..Famous is pretty popular over here
well i apologize for saying bitch cuz im not like that but stop acting like one..and i feel sorry for u..and ur man and that plant that u guys killed lolyou know i feel bad for your girl..shes with such a loser like yourself...grow the fuck up..and you know what? i dont give a flying fuck what you think? was it your plant? NO!! it was mine and tried the fucking best that i could do with my first time!!! and im god damn proud of my first grow!!
whatever..we dont need you to feel sorry for us..we are very happywell i apologize for saying bitch cuz im not like that but stop acting like one..and i feel sorry for u..and ur man and that plant that u guys killed lol
WTF ur the time i wasnt legal and everybody who grows illegally hides their face if their smart and on probation..and its a pillow case wrapped around my face lol what black people do that lol thats some kkk shit naw jk...and come to california and tell some white guy "hey u think ur black cuz ur wearing a black famous hat and shirt" lol u would get socked no doubt in my mind..and i dont know ANY black homies that wear FAMOUS thats a white brand bro lol get with the program SQUARElets famous hat..pillow case over face...thats how black people dress here...only difference is i respect them for acting like that...its them being them...not trying to act like others to fit in
awww thats the pic u said you'd make for me lol
well..i didnt want to start taking more from i hooked you up with a custom one..use it has your avatar...a few others on here are using stuff i made for feel free to as wellawww thats the pic u said you'd make for me lol