my very first plant ever an wow one hell of a job im doing..amazed my self

any tips hit it up on leaf trimming the do an donts

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Cali Connections is decent lol. They have a few good crosses but I wouldn't call them a top breeder. Look at the Cannabis Cup, those are top breeders. Don't believe all of the hype you read or the pictures they show you. Remember it's all advertising. I think CC has only ever placed second.

I'd trust Barney's Farm, Rare Dankness, Humboldt Seed Organization. Reserva Privada, Serious Seeds, Sensei, etc.

Soil doesn't grow more then hydro or yield more because hydro makes all of the nutrients more readily available to the plant as well as provide more oxygen to the roots. The plant takes on the taste of the soil so soil-grown buds always taste better imo.
yea im a first timer so seeing that shit is like a light bulb etc believe it an yea those are good breeder from what I see an hear I got the grizzly purple Kush an alien og an cheesy headband im goanna do next an im pissed every thing was going so fucking well man my plant could not of been doing better it has fat ass colas every where and I went in to check it yesterday like I do every day for a hour an I found two seeds growing in one of the buds at the bottom branch so I did some research an 4 hr later I read it says female will grow there own seeds to pollinate them self's as a last resort so I caught them in time I hope but im afraid if I wait another 3 maybe 4 weeks before its finished it might of pollinated my plant by then an shit so I was thinking of harvesting in a week or two depending on if I find more seeds so but the colas are so fucking nice an it has that dankest sour d smell to it an covered in resin crystals an there about 3 -4 oz dried if I cut now but its all so not mature yet so if any one has any idea pleas let me know I don't want to keep handling it an taking resin an stuff off an down grading it so I mean if I had more exp on handling it that b one thing but im still learning soo help me pleas
yea attitude is the shit a lot of the other places just try to rip you off with the if something happens there are no refunds or exchange an attitude gives you all that plus more an there legit I mean 60$ I went half on with my brother an split the deal and I got the seeds I bought plus we split the ufo freebies an the promo an I got 8 free promo seeds all fems but 1 strain an the ones I bought plus ufo so 40$ I got 12 seeds an really dank an great breeders: any one tried that 707 head band or masterkush by humbolt they look like insanely high yielders and pretty dank.
why would my auto flower tips of he leafs be curling down an around ??
yea I intent to get going its this power plant strain I been trying fucking wrecks you but in a energetic way. cant wait for this to finish so I can grow my alien og 28%thc fuckin fly high should check this site if u haven' ova 1000 strains to buy
The energetic high is from early harvest without cure.
Alien OG can be UP TO 28%, just so you dont expect 28%. Good luck finishing the grow!
I can't understand this guy
who me?? dude you tried arguein running your mouth about a strain you had no fucking clue over wtf up with all you people running your chops.
did you get sand in your vagina or something seriously. regardless if something don't look right or something you don't agree don't go running your mouth I asked for help an tips not pointers on how to insert a tampon into your man gina lol seriously.
might be hard to read som things because I don't use commas or dots but just keep the b.s to your self do you see me commenting blowing your spot up on your profile picture is one taking off of google images
The energetic high is from early harvest without cure.
Alien OG can be UP TO 28%, just so you dont expect 28%. Good luck finishing the grow!
I know just saying it can be did not mean it all ways is depends on how you grow it but ty yea im trying man. scared for the two seeds I found an the colas are so fat I cant dig into the buds yet not enough exp under my belt with out messing them up so.
on the bottom branch so I cut the shoot off where I seen the only two seeds and ty on the info about early harvest.
that's kool but is it like that with all strains to?
I know just saying it can be did not mean it all ways is depends on how you grow it but ty yea im trying man. scared for the two seeds I found an the colas are so fat I cant dig into the buds yet not enough exp under my belt with out messing them up so.
on the bottom branch so I cut the shoot off where I seen the only two seeds
Gonna have to get some tweezers and start practicing lol! I can pull them out of 30gram nugs,it takes a little practice and a steady hand not to stress the plant. Every plant i have cut samples off of before it was ripe always gave me an energetic head rush that makes me giggle.
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Gonna have to get some tweezers and start practicing lol! I can pull them out of 30gram nugs,it takes a little practice and a steady hand not to stress the plant.
yea I practiced topping an stuff on my girls flower garden lol wasint funny though when she caught me but it worked on a few of her flowers so but, good idea I was just using my trim sci to cut the seeds out cus they have the small tip to fit in-between but where is the most likely place they will start growing in the buds so I know where to look again when the lights come back on in a few hours an should I be feeding it a gallon every 4 days using 4ml of micro-bloom-grow or up the bloom to 6ml or something I added bud candy because it was to late for big bud an others so..sensi cal mag extra I ordered to so I was curious to the results I was reading if it really does what its suppose to
thank you for taking the time an helping me out to I really do appreciate all you helping me out even with some dumb ass easy questions like this one guy told me to just fucking google it so...
who me?? dude you tried arguein running your mouth about a strain you had no fucking clue over wtf up with all you people running your chops.
did you get sand in your vagina or something seriously. regardless if something don't look right or something you don't agree don't go running your mouth I asked for help an tips not pointers on how to insert a tampon into your man gina lol seriously.
might be hard to read som things because I don't use commas or dots but just keep the b.s to your self do you see me commenting blowing your spot up on your profile picture is one taking off of google images
Why such negativity on a weed forum man.

Been kind of wondering that myself lately. Luckily I've noticed a few people are really very helpful, and then there are other folks who are kind of elitist and who actually shit on the science behind all of this stuff. It's become pretty easy to spot who's who.
This is the newbie forums. Its made to be flooded with post like these. Dont worry, if people have to take the time to say something to make them feel better then just let them be. Dont even reply.
this is my very first plant I have ever grown I started this strain with 5 my girl friend crushed three an one was a male an then it left me this one an I foliar fed my plant since a seedling with ff nutes at first all the way up to well actually I still do foliar feed here an there but I was using cfl lights 6 150w with a farrets cage I was doing it in an was running 20-on..4-off sounds weird but worked amazingly just look for your self my plant is 7 weeks old I wantd to veg for 2 months but its in a 5g pot so I did not have a choice because oit was that size at week 5 an im in my second week of flowering now about to hit my third an I do 11-13 strain is a original sour d by cali connection crossed with a critical hog that a buddy had made an he could not bealive how affective my method worked an how well this plant is coming out had two nut burns from spraying the plant twice a day out of its whole growth so far im now running 600w super hps by ipower an galaxy ballast.
inside a 3x3x5 that I got brand new for 44$ free shipping off amazon an its a really good tent to.
I am having a little problem though with trmming I read that they say to trim some don't trim some I cant seem to get the lightto he inside lower branches so I tied down the branches to spread them out with string to the pot an it seems to be working a little better so any tips pleas let me know the dos an donts on leaf trimming an when its ok an any tips on how to grow a big well decent auto that be great to..about to start my alien og after this strain is done so il have that posted soon to -28%-thc lvl by cali connection check out has over 1000 strains an best promotions plus has pick n mix an every kind of strain maker plus strain affective are superoot air pots an has any one tried to grow that grizzly purple kush yet? plus any exp with royal queen seeds?
your doing a great job op
the airpots are great for newbie's

the airpots let the soil dry out too quick so your forever watering the plant

I did a side by side test and I didn't see any benfit, in fact there a pain as I had to water every day and the water pisses out the side
if your not carefull

I got rid and stuck to buckes with holes drill out the bottom, works really well
but you don't want to overwater them
airpots vs. containers - I did a side by side - The air trims back the roots and stopped them from circling the pot
dog going crazy on drums - big plant day by day 001.JPG

dog going crazy on drums - big plant day by day 002.JPG
dog going crazy on drums - big plant day by day 003.JPG

And, @matdagrow420man, I'm flattered that you think my pic is from the internet. I actually took this picture and it's from my grow journal. I guess i do know a few things