My Very Own Salvia Trip


I think its all about the setting and the individuals readiness and knowledge of the drug. You should be in a dark quiet place w/ maybe trippy instrumental music on and have a sitter that is not a douche and knows the deal. Its true that no matter how much you prepare yourself when you enter this dimension you have no knowledge of why you are there and how you got there, but having the right settings can definitely help to guide towards a more pleasurable experience.


damn man...thats so incredibly similar to my salvia trip its scary


Active Member
The only other time that compared to that infamous saliva trip was the time I took a bunch of DXM.

It was not as powerful in a sense that I could not control any cognitive reasoning abilities like the saliva, however with the DXM i would fade in and out into another world. The vision in my mind's eye was so powerful that it overwhelmed the vision I saw with my eyes. And fighting against that only made it worse, I fought desperately to return to reality only to loose focus and get lost within my own head, over and over.

These two experiences have discouraged any further tripping from me because my grip on reality was plucked so mercilessly. I am not sure if shrooms or LSD is the same kind of reality-altering trip like saliva and DXM, but I am not eager to find out for sure.