My war with slugs-is this safe?


Well-Known Member
:-|Bottom left corner is a cup of beer then copper around the base then top right corner i have coper wire wraped on stem loose....Is this safe?Already taken alot of damage. 9 babies like this.:-?[/ATTACH]



Well-Known Member
:-|Bottom left corner is a cup of beer then copper around the base then top right corner i have coper wire wraped on stem loose....Is this safe?Already taken alot of damage. 9 babies like this.:-?[/ATTACH]
if you have slugs ... and you are planting outdoors ..

there is this stuff called diatomaceous earth

it's silica based and no slug will come near until it rains atleast


Well-Known Member
when i went back to my sight i only saw 1 slug rather than 10-15, dont know if its the weather but im sure this didnt hurt.